Monaco Traffic


Charter Member 2011
There's been some discussion about helo's lately, so I thought I'd load up Aerosoft's fine Monaco scenery, where, apart from boats and fast cars, the only likely traffic is rotary-winged.
I have postponed buying the latest AI helo package until the bugs are ironed out, but that didn't stop a little creativity with Recorder Module.
(Best watched in HD)
Three tracks were recorded flying the EC120, then various AI helo's were swapped in, and a few tracks added with time delay.
I believe when the GP circus is in town, it can easily get as busy as this.
Fantastic effort, thanks for sharing :ernae:
You have no idea how often I've ended up in the water trying to land on those Helipads :kilroy:
Now I'm green with envy and will try again :running:
even the British police decided to go for a day in Monaco, i suspect they're being paid too much :icon_lol: great video :ernae: whats the Monaco scenery?
Thank you, sirs...
I found the EC120 quite docile, and managed to get it down after a few tries.
Originally this was shot using an AS350 and AI from the NZ 10 Squirrels pack, but I thought you'd see through that too easily.
I had a choice between an :england: and :USA-flag: EC135 so settled for the lesser of the evils...was going to paint out the flag...
Of course this is all for nought, as the AI helos package has been fixed, and now I'll have to do it all over, in realtime!
Luckily Aerosoft's Monaco has enough helipads to make it worthwhile.
Thank you for sharing the video. The Monaco package looks like nice scenery to have. Do you have any other shots of it?
...Do you have any other shots of it?
JDT's link will take you to the official scenery page, but I can never turn down an offer to put up screenshots, :icon_lol: so here are a few more...




...and one for luck that I think I posted here previously:

what model is that puppy? *starts drooling*:jump:
That's a good link bull gave - I missed a couple of paints previously.
Just a word on ths helo:
Samy Fay has created arguably the best texture set ever seen on a FS helo, built on a brilliant model by Heiko Richter.
And the glass cockpit sequences are something you can just look at, and smile...
yeah i'll be making a paintkit for it, if i do well enough contact Heiko and ask if i can release it :) oh and you can get a scottish aviation pioneer on the heliport across its width with a good wind :icon_lol:
That's a good link bull gave - I missed a couple of paints previously.
Just a word on ths helo:
Samy Fay has created arguably the best texture set ever seen on a FS helo, built on a brilliant model by Heiko Richter.
And the glass cockpit sequences are something you can just look at, and smile...

I'm glad to be of help! Hovercontrol has quite a few keepers as well as some scenery that is worth taking a look at, especially if helo flying is something you like to do. I personally enjoy the challenge of landing in a tight spot-though it has not always ended with a good outcome!:icon_lol:

The temptation was too great, bought and installed Monaco along with ordering the Track clip pro thingy for my TIR4, hope it's good :d

Will try Monaco tonight, and install some AI helo's to see how they work. Hope it's driveable too, I'm already making Vroooom noises in my head.

:kilroy: yeah i went and bought it as well, am on a tight budget so track IR is not feasible for me, continue using the hatswitch i guess. :jump:
Well Wing Z,

thanks for the highlight, I like it a lot, Monaco that is. I had a bit of a battle mesh wise due to my scenery being remotely installed, got that solved I think and all is sweet. Gonna look into helo traffic soon, but I realise why the heliport only offers 2 helipads, the rest are at lower elevation and the afcad only allows one. Gonna put my thinking cap on. Has anyone managed to land on the lower pads and not sink into the scenery?

easy enough to do, the helipad tool in AFCAD lets you set elevations...... i think, if it does then click the relevant heliport and define its altitude
didn't know that, hope it works in AFX too, re-installing AFcad wouldn't be too much of a hardship though :d
