monolitic objects

The first photo shows buildings being incorrectly rendered by the AI. They are quite prevalent in photogrametric areas when at low altitude or on the ground. Many of the smaller airports have buildings and even trees/bushes are incorrectly rendered. The tall pillars in the second photo are supposed to be palm trees. Again, the AI is not rendering them correctly. Give them a few months to work out the bugs...its a work in progress. I'm pretty sure Blackshark AI are aware of the issue and are working on a fix.
They are not elevation errors. The area you have taken screenshots of is within a photgrammetry covered city. Photogrammetry uses aerial photos, taken at multiple angles, to 3d-model the buildings and trees (none of it is done by hand). Like Paiken mentioned, the pillars you see here are palm trees, which are really difficult for the photogrammetry process to model (trees in general, and any lattice work, is really hard for photogrammetry to model). A lot of the photogrammetry trees have already been hand-removed by Asobo, or by one of their out-sourcing companies, and replaced with the Asobo-created tree models (I can't begin to imagine the time involved in doing that over the 400+ photogrammetry cities), and there is of course a lot more work in this regard still to be done. Of course you can always turn photogrammetry off if you wish, at which point you would only see the Blackshark AI-generated/placed buildings & trees and lower resolution ground textures.
Nah , i'll leave it on . I was just wondering , thats all.
And yeah , removing all those trees sounds like a nice job .
I don't envy them .:dizzy: