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Senior Administrator
One of the issues still remaining for Dx10 users after Steve Parsons new Dx10 shaders, is the external lights issue which means the nav lights are often missing or only viewable from certain limited angles. The Shockwave lights tend to work fairly well but Steve Parsons has developed a fix. This involves creating a new fx file and editing the aircraft.cfg. I've tried this fix on the Aerosoft Catalina and Rob Cappers Dc2X. Before and after shots below. The Avsim thread with instructions here:




As far as I'm concerned the last major issue is that tooltips are only viewable in windowed mode. If this can be fixed then I can see no reason to return to Dx9 with all the port-overs converted by add-on converter X.
As far as I'm concerned the last major issue is that tooltips are only viewable in windowed mode. If this can be fixed then I can see no reason to return to Dx9 with all the port-overs converted by add-on converter X.

Seems like DX10 starts to be pretty well patched up now.

For me the biggest reason to not to go DX10 is that ENB plugin does not work in DX10. I just can't fly without ENB anymore, everything seems so washed out. I'm gonna give FXAA Post Process Injector a try, if it gives me similar results to ENB, I'm probably gonna go DX10 also.
Hi Roger,

That looks great.
I'm still on XP, without DX10. Should I add some instructions of sortd on our DC2 forum?

Cheers, Rob
Hi Rob,
No problem. I can post there if you like and link to the Avsim Dx10 forum. Anyone who uses Dx10 and wants the Dc2X to look right in Dx10 would probably be interested in the other modifications, including the new shaders. Just let me know if you'd like me to proceed.


For interest here are my Nvidia Inspector settings for driver version 306.23 they were derived from a number of suggestions at the Avsim Dx10 forum:
(my specs are shown in my sig)
Hi Rob,
No problem. I can post there if you like and link to the Avsim Dx10 forum. Anyone who uses Dx10 and wants the Dc2X to look right in Dx10 would probably be interested in the other modifications, including the new shaders. Just let me know if you'd like me to proceed.



very cool Roger, that would be great, thanks.
The forum is now hosted at Aussiex (since some time), thanks to JaeKay (unfortunaltely the history of the old forum is lost)

cheers, Rob
Good stuff Roger,
I have gotten DX10 running to where it is pretty much fully enjoyable, at least in everything I have encountered so far. I am using the shockwave lights which work fine in most cases. There are some minor lights issues with those lights that are attached to the model...ala light on the rudder or somthing. I can live with that for the improved FPS.

The other big issue I was having was with rain. There were some rain fixes. I was able to tweak the rain effects a little so that it didn't look like hyperspace at night...the tradeoff is that is a little greyer during the day, but it is acceptable.

Good stuff Roger,
I have gotten DX10 running to where it is pretty much fully enjoyable, at least in everything I have encountered so far. I am using the shockwave lights which work fine in most cases. There are some minor lights issues with those lights that are attached to the model...ala light on the rudder or somthing. I can live with that for the improved FPS.

The other big issue I was having was with rain. There were some rain fixes. I was able to tweak the rain effects a little so that it didn't look like hyperspace at night...the tradeoff is that is a little greyer during the day, but it is acceptable.

Great stuff TJ! I'd like to see your edit for rain. I rarely have precipitation on but for when I do I'd like to try it.
Has the absence of airport taxiway and runway lights been solved? Last I heard, that issue remains also.


The first two shots are ORBX Skagit and the last is Norfolk Va. Lights and taxiway lights both seem to be working.



Hey Roger,

This fix is based on a few solutions posted here and some other forums. It fixes the rain umbrella issue and an a solution for the rain at night issue.

For the rain fix there were some forum posts that involve rain40.fx, found in the ...\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\shadersHLSL\misc folder. Make a backup. Then open with notepad and copy/replace everything with this.


// Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
#include "Rain40.fxh"
struct VS_INPUT
float4 vPosition : POSITION;
float4 cColor : COLOR0;
float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD;
struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 vPosition : SV_POSITION;
float4 cDiffuse : COLOR;
float2 TexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0;
float2 TexCoord1 : TEXCOORD1;
Out.vPosition = mul(In.vPosition, g_mWorldViewProjection);
Out.cDiffuse = In.cColor;
Out.TexCoord0 = mul(In.TexCoord, g_mTextureTransforms[0]);
Out.TexCoord1 = mul(In.TexCoord, g_mTextureTransforms[1]);
Out.TexCoord0 += g_mTextureTransforms[0][2];
Out.TexCoord1 += g_mTextureTransforms[1][2];
return Out;
float4 PS(const VS_OUTPUT In): SV_TARGET
float4 cColor0 = txTexture0.Sample(samSampler, In.TexCoord0);
float4 cColor1 = txTexture1.Sample(samSampler, In.TexCoord1);
return float4(.2,.2,.2,In.cDiffuse.w) * (cColor0 + cColor1);
DepthStencilState EnableDepth
DepthEnable = TRUE;
DepthWriteMask = ALL;
DepthFunc = LESS_EQUAL;
DepthStencilState DisableDepth
DepthEnable = FALSE;
DepthWriteMask = ZERO;
technique10 T0
pass P0
SetVertexShader(CompileShader(vs_4_0, VS()));
SetPixelShader(CompileShader(ps_4_0, PS()));
SetDepthStencilState( DisableDepth, 0 );


Save this file. Then go to ...users\youraccount\appdata\local/Microsoft\FSX\shadersHLSL\misc

Delete the cached rain40.fx_0x... file.

Pay attention to this line above:
return float4(.2,.2,.2,In.cDiffuse.w) * (cColor0 + cColor1);

This controls the greyness of the rain. I have it set to .2,.2,.2 as sort of a happy medium. .5 will make it clearer during the daytime, but it will be really bright during the night. Too far the other way will make it dark at night but also dark grey streaks during the day. Just play with those numbers and see what works best for you. Delete the cached rain40.fx_0x... file each time you make a change and restart FS.

I haven't seen how the snow looks yet, so might have to adjust the numbers more, but this works for me so far.
