I've looked into the various xmls but nothing seems to be a switch to enable the animation normally.
Btw David, any idea what 'PlayerInAIMode="false" ' does in the game.xml?
No idea, Clive, I've looked at my various 6 or so current or historic (ie non functional) installs and they all have Playerinaimode set to false. This is what I've got in ETO:
I think spawns offer an option for a bit of life around an airbase. There used to be a number of spawn packages where you started a mission, and a whole lot of planes plonked themselves on the runway in front of you, and took off.
To make this sort of spawning event more certain, you can add the spawn table file name to the first section of your airbases's facility xml file. So for the RAF Scampton airbase, the xml file has something like (from ETO)
<Facility Type="RAF Scampton" Flags="isAirbase" OuterDistance="10001"> . What is done is to add a references to a spawn table name
<Facility Type="RAF Scampton" Flags="isAirbase" Spawns="airtakeoff.spawns" OuterDistance="10001">
Thinking about it, I wonder if the waypoints in the spawn set's xml files could have speed and distance parameters, such that the aircraft only got up to taxi speed? Changing the other runways from notakeoff to allow them to be used by AI aircraft and setting a distance parameter in the spawn xml files' waypoints might get the spawned aircraft to appear to be taxiing on the other runways.
Eg: <Route>
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" PositionType="ground" position="airbase" Distance="200"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" PositionType="ground" Distance="250" Speed="10" Alt="0.0"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" PositionType="ground" position="airbase" Distance="200" Speed="0" Alt="0"/>
(Disclaimer: the foregoing Route is hypothetical and no warranty is given or implied that it might actually work
Having a takeoff type of spawn embedded in the Scampton airbase and the canspawnformations set to = true, would mean that in the UI, you could have aircraft trundling around the airbase while your player sits on the cases or does whatever the cutscene animation provides for.