moving vehicles in airbases

I am working on a mission that will allow the bombers to show up on a take off..
Experimenting today on this..
Thanks for this wonderful addition ..
:applause: :applause: :applause:
Looks great from the air too bad we cannot get a ground version in QC.
Tried attacking the airfield with the BF109e2 from JG77 got a great shot! COOL!!

yeah but the airbase seems to be lacking flak, LOL. its a bit like shooting ducks in a barrel... :icon_lol:
Need more help on this!

I always want to get back to this especially as I am doing intruder missions which require taxiing and static aircraft. (BTW where was the Halifax Taxiing Dl?)

Taxiing Aircraft

1.It seems this m3d and dds is different from a regular aircraft, so it's not just a question of changing the xdp details? So what is needed to be, foe instance to make ETO_Bf110D_R1 into a taxiing aircraft?
2. What if I want this on a runway , but not actually taking off? I tried a mission file with
<Route ID="5000">
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="0" IsWarpable="n" Lat="N49*25'23.5600"" Lon="E3*53'20.9998"" Alt="0.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="1" IsWarpable="n" Lat="N49*25'23.5600"" Lon="E3*53'20.9998"" Alt="0.00"/>

Which works fine in that the aircraft is static. I will have to see what happens when I make this a spawn. ( It was interesting that if wp1 was 'turn" the ac was not on the runway.)

Static Aircraft

1. I, of course, have some associated with the airbase facility file but they don't seem to show up in missions? I will check this further.

2. I understand to make an aircraft static is to have it as a building. This requires m3d work and having the source files?? Is this easy for someone with them to do?

More later
Re above. I tested the spawn version of my test mission above and checked it. Actually works fine in that it BF110D makes a slow run down the runway before eventually taking off.

I do see that parked ac in the airbase facility but they don't register as aircraft on the TI or as labels. Maybe I have to drive onto that particular airbase and use 'z' to mark where I put an aircraft?