MSFS 2020/24: The Same Aircraft Over and Over? Let’s Ask for More Variety!


Charter Member
I sometimes wonder: is it really true that less common aircraft wouldn’t be successful in MSFS 2020/24? Or is it just that no one dares to take the risk of developing them? It feels like a self-fulfilling prophecy—if no one creates these planes, of course, they won’t be downloaded. But does that really mean there’s no demand?

The flight sim community is full of passionate users who would love to experience something fresh and different, yet we keep seeing the same aircraft over and over again. Developers understandably focus on profitability, but maybe they underestimate the appeal of variety.

There are so many fantastic aircraft that deserve a place in MSFS 2020/24, yet they remain ignored. Where are the F-105, F-106, C-27J, P-2 Neptune, A-29, A-7, MB-326, Alpha Jet, Su-25, Su-15, OV-1 Mohawk, MiG-23, MiG-27, PC-9, PC-7, T-34 and its C version—and many more? These aircraft have history, character, and unique flying experiences, yet they are often overlooked just because they aren’t considered “mainstream.”

Let’s make some noise and show that there’s room for more than just the usual suspects!
B-57!!!! (And NOT the EE version!!!). Would love a Mohawk and Neptune…and an F-102, F-106. Believe Dino still has plans for an MB-326. Basically, I agree with your list…with a few additions!
Alphasim/Virtavia did some great lesser known aircraft back in the day.
Yes, but they were replicas in visual representation only; compared to todays flight sim equivalents. We were less picky back then because we never had it so good. However... I for one would be all for open ended but highly accurate visuals with all switches animated that could be worked on by the community:

A-12, B-58, XF-92A, X-15 with XLR99, F-32 (what if production version of the X-32), YF-23 to name a few.
I sometimes wonder: is it really true that less common aircraft wouldn’t be successful in MSFS 2020/24? Or is it just that no one dares to take the risk of developing them? It feels like a self-fulfilling prophecy—if no one creates these planes, of course, they won’t be downloaded. But does that really mean there’s no demand?

The flight sim community is full of passionate users who would love to experience something fresh and different, yet we keep seeing the same aircraft over and over again. Developers understandably focus on profitability, but maybe they underestimate the appeal of variety.

There are so many fantastic aircraft that deserve a place in MSFS 2020/24, yet they remain ignored. Where are the F-105, F-106, C-27J, P-2 Neptune, A-29, A-7, MB-326, Alpha Jet, Su-25, Su-15, OV-1 Mohawk, MiG-23, MiG-27, PC-9, PC-7, T-34 and its C version—and many more? These aircraft have history, character, and unique flying experiences, yet they are often overlooked just because they aren’t considered “mainstream.”

Let’s make some noise and show that there’s room for more than just the usual suspects!
There was some FS2020 work on a B-58 and XB-70, but that effort seems to have stalled. Still waiting on the Beach Starship and the Lancaster. Disappointed there is no Mosquito in either sim. Not clear to me how the major developer's choose the aircraft they commit to. However..... we did get the ornithopter from Dune! What more could we ask for?
But this is exactly what I don’t understand. The current logic seems to be: develop an aircraft that will get the highest number of downloads—doesn’t matter if it’s the third or fourth of its kind... as long as it sells. But by doing this, the overall diversity of available aircraft is slowly being lost.
It's a trend really. In FS9 we had planes coming at us from all sides. That dropped a little with FSX, even more with P3D but I honestly think we can't complain about the available planes for MSFS2020. Too early for 2024.

Developing for 2020/2024 is much more time consuming than making an addon in FSX or older sims.

I make liveries and even that process takes much longer, the files are larger, people demand a higher quality.

Especially nowadays with the cost of everything in a post covid world... I don't think much money would be made with any of these aircraft. I for one would love to see most of those... maybe a dev just doing work for fun?
The time and knowledge it now takes to produce an addon for this and 2020 far exceeds that required to produce them for FSX - you'll find that while some will make the more niche aircraft, most developers will need assistance (ie multiple people on staff) to produce aircraft with the realism that y'all desire these days and access to the information is just as tough as ever especially for the rarer types.

Just my 2p.
I'm just making a comment here and don't want to detract from the complaining, BUT DCS has a number of fine military aircraft to fly over some fine terrain. For example, Mosquito...DCS has it....boom! It also has a FREE Su-25...BOOM. A FREE A-4....BOOM. Check out some of the links, many free to try and keep (not just a short trial period).

I apologize for hijacking, but there are options available.

P.S. Don't forget to stop by the DCS Forum for more detailed information.
I'm just making a comment here and don't want to detract from the complaining, BUT DCS has a number of fine military aircraft to fly over some fine terrain. For example, Mosquito...DCS has it....boom! It also has a FREE Su-25...BOOM. A FREE A-4....BOOM. Check out some of the links, many free to try and keep (not just a short trial period).

I apologize for hijacking, but there are options available.

P.S. Don't forget to stop by the DCS Forum for more detailed information.
Not interested in DCS, this is the MS2024 forum. BOOM!
I did apologize for hijacking the thread, but an important point that shouldn't be missed (one made by ryanbatc) is that it takes time and money (sometimes significant amounts of both) to put forth a product people will accept. Based on that (and other evidence I won't detail here), my opinion is that it is unlikely that many of the aircraft mentioned in this thread will be developed for MSFS2024. Further, because they will never be available in MSFS2024, I wanted to alert people interested in those aircraft that some are available in DCS and some are available without paying a single penny (or other monetary denomination you want to insert) for the software. (There are also some fine aircraft (F-15C, Su-30, A-10A, etc.) in a package, all available for a small amount.)

Again, my apologies for interrupting all the complaining about the lack of available aircraft.
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Hihihi...Still waiting for the Harrier GR1/GR3.
Those days I swore I will switch over to MSFS as soon as the GR3 will be aviable....
Gosh, now 4 years ago but I swear again - no Harrier, no MSFS, even in 10 years....
It is such an interesting and epic aircraft - who will take the chance?