That's like putting the horse *behind* the cart, Sunny. MSFS2024 *is* all about fidelity and features ( eventually anyway ;-)
I think Red Wing might've started with the wrong Connie type. Normally a 'Super' version of something is the apotheosis of a series that starts with the basic entry version, in this case the L-049. The follow-up L-749 would've been more or less easy to develop from the basic L-049 model and would've been something to look forward to for Connie lovers as being the most popular Connie version ( presumably...). Good chance the L-1049 would've then been something to look forward to again and would've, again, been easier to develop for Red Wing compared to starting their Connie project with the most complex version.
And that is exactly what i feel about the Red Wing L-1049G model: virtually it has no 'history', atleast it *feels* that way and that's why i liked A2A's L-049 model in FSX/P3D waaay better. You could already see the 749 as a blip on the horizon (that's not true because A2A said about their L-049 " that'll be all".....

"The community" would have to study and learn all the intricaties needed to develop a native FS2024 aircraft model. Having managed that to a succesful conclusion they'll be most probabely much more interested in developing something of their own instead of finishing something created by somebody else. Ok, maybe freeware. But can we expect a payware dev to put something in the market that is not finished ? Who would buy that ?....
In ending, despite the long sonic BOOM listing (of which i believe atleast a few are already available in FS2020 and compatible with FS2024) ironically we have acces to THE most detailed and most gorgeous looking internal and external model of a sonic BOOM subject ever seen in any FS' virtual flying world : the utterly amazing IFE/HB F-14 Tomcat !
And that brings us back to DCS. So not entirely Off Topic.