I just wanted to show some pictures of my neighborhood comparing fs2020 vs fs2024 beta
First here is an area view of the location where our house is located from 2020:

Its pretty basic, it has a house at about the right location and the roads are in the right place but the yard is bare.
Here is a pic for the same location in 2024:

This could be a photo graph, the shape of the house is right, you can see our pool and its the right shape, even the stepping stones in the lawn going out to the corner of the yard.
Here is a drone shot in FS2024 from the street in front of the house.

Compare that to google street view (actual photo) does not quite look right, trees are very bolder like, but you can see the resemblence.
Its not bad, now the bolder like thing in front of the house in FS is a tree we had removed maybe 3-4 years ago, the black SUV in the street view pic is a vehicle we got rid of more than 2 years ago.