MSFS/AH DC-3 Autopilots Not Usable Anymore???

I think I've taken figuring this out as far as is useful.

I've stayed with the Retrofit DC-3 during the last many flights only to minimize any inconstancies between aircraft. I've already had other aircraft with the same autopilot suite behave the same way. I don't think I can blame this on a single aircraft, unless I figure out later there's some sort of caching/data bleedover when switching between aircraft during the same flying session.

-Where it's at now is that sometimes the DC-3 will load up with a correctly working AP with all the button selections and actions doing what they are supposed to do. A whole multi-hour flight goes perfectly.

-On a few flights, the correctly working AP system will suddenly stop working for no apparent reason a few hours into the flight, with no way to make it work correctly for the duration of the flight.

-If the aircraft loads up with a brain-dead AP, sometimes using the in-sim restart will bring it back to correctly working status. Sometimes the restart doesn't.

-If the in-sim restart using the same flight doesn't reactivate the AP, occasionally I can get the AP to kick back in by loading up the DC-3 at a completely different airport. With luck, I can then back out of that medicinal flight and then reload the flight I wanted to make, and the AP will be back to normal. That doesn't always work either,
and the AP will fail again as soon as I reload the intended aircraft and flight plan.

Just a very odd thing. :)

Have the same erratic AP problem with the DC-3. Also no luck to far i pinpointing were the problem is coming from.

Yesterday flew for a couple of hours in South America with a Retro DC-3
Forgot to do the 'move the hydraulic lever behind the Co-Pilot' procedure & the AP wouldn't take.
Paused the flight, moved the lever [2 step process] & then unpaused.
AP took & held for the rest of the flight. (NAV, & VS to ALT)
I used the DC-3 on one of my Africa tour legs this weekend. The AP seemed fine except it would only follow Hdg. NAV follow was a no go. Flew it like that the whole flight. Not paying attention it over flew the destination by a few miles. Wanted to use Hdg to fly back, but the AP must have completely died once the aircraft passed the arrival Pont. The odd thing is that with it being on Hdg Hold, that shouldn't have mattered. Makes me think there's something going on between the default planner and the AP that causes this.