This sim has already been in development now for 6 years. It will be interesting to see just how different the beta and release versions are compared to the series of open alphas we've had access to. I know from its earliest public showings and discussions last year that the dev team outlined that they will be providing continuous support and upgrades to the sim after its release for up to 10 years to come - this has included mention of eventual Track IR and VR support, eventual inclusion of helicopters, eventual/likely updating to DX12 at some point, and continued improvements to such things as the scenery (such as more photogrammetry cities as they continue to be produced for Bing Maps over time). Although the sim has snow, seasons are still a future wishlist item too.
I am content with the pricing model, as it is just what I expected it would be as long as they didn't go the subscription route (thankful they didn't), and I pre-ordered the full shebang. I personally think it is a fantastic line-up of aircraft, though I still think they should have included a Stearman (for vintage, and there's thousands of them still flying today). I'm looking forward to all of the additional aircraft which weren't part of the open alpha and have only been undergoing testing in-house to-date by their own testing personnel/teams - some of those aircraft which haven't been part of the open alphas have already been previewed in Asobo's/Microsoft's videos/screenshots since last summer.
Since the start of May, and getting to test MSFS "2020", I haven't spent more than 10-15 minutes in P3Dv5 (I just can't do it any more, it all looks too fake and insignificant by comparison to MSFS).