MSFS Preorder!

You beat me to it. $119.99! Not too bad considering what the previews have been showing and that you won't need to buy weather and scenery add ons. August 18th is the magic release date.
No VR or TrackIR yet, current Alpha is still full of bugs, missing things and other major problems, and they plan only a less-than-a-month month beta testing phase ???
This is ridiculous...
No VR or TrackIR yet, current Alpha is still full of bugs, missing things and other major problems, and they plan only a less-than-a-month month beta testing phase ???
This is ridiculous...

LOL :dizzy:! No Track IR also..... is this a joke?
One of the worst thing is: a good part of the aircraft listed in the release pictures were never ever tested by any alpha testers.
Means that the sim will be released with totally untested aircrafts...
Seriously, they announced a B-787 ?? And nobody has seen it yet, one month before the release ?
My expectations on the quality of the new sim have just dropped a bit :/

But that's not a big issue. Since I also use VR, the new sim will not be usable for me at release anyways. I guess they'll need a few months to implement that feature, so hopefully they can also implement a few bug fixes and make the aircraft a bit more believable in the meanwhile...
I agree with Daube in my worry about all the new aircraft. Looking at the list if available aircraft, about 9 of the 30 are in the alpha and I worry about the other 20+ that have never been tested. Of the aircraft listed It disturbs me that there is only one float plane (Icon A5) and no helicopters. It also worries me that the aircraft included so far are very modern, if you don't like flat panel displays your going to be disappointed. I would have liked to see more of the older aircraft that were in FSX and FS9, my vote would have been for a DC-3, Grumman Goose and/or Float beaver.

But things are looking better. Over the weekend I decided to give the alpha a serious try and fly around the world using the C208, since its an aircraft I also have for FSX and P3D so I can give it a good compare. So far so good, I have gotten from KOAK (Oakland) to CYOW (Ottawa) without too many mishaps which I was not able to do in any of the earlier alphas. Still lacking a few things but its becoming more usable.

I still would like to know about there allowing of freeware and if there will be any compatibility path for older aircraft.
LOL :dizzy:! No Track IR also..... is this a joke?

I've pre-ordered, but based on the lack of VR support from the outset - that is a little troubling given that VR and Track IR are mature enough to bring another level to the experience....

But we'll see what its like!

Maybe there will be a Flyinside version for this one....?
This sim has already been in development now for 5-6 years. It will be interesting to see just how different the beta and release versions are compared to the series of open alphas we've had access to. I know from its earliest public showings and discussions last year that the dev team outlined that they will be providing continuous support and upgrades to the sim after its release for up to 10 years to come - this has included mention of eventual Track IR and VR support, eventual inclusion of helicopters, eventual/likely updating to DX12 at some point, and continued improvements to such things as the scenery (such as more photogrammetry cities as they continue to be produced for Bing Maps over time). Although the sim has snow, seasons are still a future wishlist item too.

I am content with the pricing model, as it is just what I expected it would be as long as they didn't go the subscription route (thankful they didn't), and I pre-ordered the full shebang. I personally think it is a fantastic line-up of aircraft, though I still think they should have included a Stearman (for vintage, and there's thousands of them still flying today). I'm looking forward to all of the additional aircraft which weren't part of the open alpha and have only been undergoing testing in-house to-date by their own testing personnel/teams - some of those aircraft which haven't been part of the open alphas have already been previewed in Asobo's/Microsoft's videos/screenshots since last summer.

Since the start of May, and getting to test MSFS "2020", I haven't spent more than 10-15 minutes in P3Dv5 (I just can't do it any more, it all looks too fake and insignificant by comparison to MSFS).
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There are 3 levels with 'Basic' coming in at A$99:90 and the 'Premium' at the fat end of A$160+++.
Rather pricey considering you get 20 aircraft in the Basic compared with 30 in the Premium version.
I don't think so, it smells strongly of a rushed release.
History has taught me to hang fire and let other people be the guinea pigs. And why would anybody go for the 'economy' version, I seem to recall with FSX there being a 2 tier system which caused headaches for those who wanted to upgrade, then Acceleration happened and Gold. Oi Veh!
I'm watching all of this, and waiting. That said, I believe 80% of the entertainment market (the real entertainment market, which actually probably means 99% of all forum posters/readers) will be on MSFS in 1 year's time. What matters to me is the simulator- not the fluff. I am waiting until I know what the Basic vs. Premium Deluxe provides simulator wise. Will there be any SIMULATOR features that the Basic version will lack... i.e. if I fly a 3rd party a/c to and from 3rd party airports, will I miss out not having the Premium Deluxe? The default airports and aircraft are not anything I plan on using atm... but depending on release quality even that might change :)

Hence the wait and watch approach.

Best- C

Simple question

on PC is it on hard disk or will content come via Internet ?

That as Internet is an issue here

Thanks for an answer

This whole train is Internet based. You can CACHE certain areas that you want to fly in offline. Supposed to be able to download those areas. But this baby is streaming content. 10 years support only?? Wow they have no idea how long it takes to make a complex addon do they? No VRS or A2A then or PMDG for FS2020. Some of these products will take the half life of the sim to create... if they even support external system or flight modeling....which I've heard it will not.

Simple question

on PC is it on hard disk or will content come via Internet ?

That as Internet is an issue here

Thanks for an answer

The program itself will be available on Disks for European customers only. Everyone else will need to download. As for the scenery, it will be streamed via internet OR you can download an area and fly offline if your internet connection is spotty/slow. The live weather and real world traffic/multiplayer etc will require an internet connection.
This sim has already been in development now for 6 years. It will be interesting to see just how different the beta and release versions are compared to the series of open alphas we've had access to. I know from its earliest public showings and discussions last year that the dev team outlined that they will be providing continuous support and upgrades to the sim after its release for up to 10 years to come - this has included mention of eventual Track IR and VR support, eventual inclusion of helicopters, eventual/likely updating to DX12 at some point, and continued improvements to such things as the scenery (such as more photogrammetry cities as they continue to be produced for Bing Maps over time). Although the sim has snow, seasons are still a future wishlist item too.

I am content with the pricing model, as it is just what I expected it would be as long as they didn't go the subscription route (thankful they didn't), and I pre-ordered the full shebang. I personally think it is a fantastic line-up of aircraft, though I still think they should have included a Stearman (for vintage, and there's thousands of them still flying today). I'm looking forward to all of the additional aircraft which weren't part of the open alpha and have only been undergoing testing in-house to-date by their own testing personnel/teams - some of those aircraft which haven't been part of the open alphas have already been previewed in Asobo's/Microsoft's videos/screenshots since last summer.

Since the start of May, and getting to test MSFS "2020", I haven't spent more than 10-15 minutes in P3Dv5 (I just can't do it any more, it all looks too fake and insignificant by comparison to MSFS).

The most sensible post I've read in a long time. Thank you!
Downloading scenery?? So is it like XP?? in XP you have download the base scenery and select which area's you want and can revisit to download more. If it's similar to this then im in, but will wait at the pier for while as I hate bugs in my virtual cockpit lol.
What you install on your hard drive with this new MSFS is the core sim with a lowered-level of scenery (like an FSX or P3D installation). However, in order to get the highest-quality photo scenery (including the photogrammetry cities), as shown in the preview videos and screenshots, you have to have an active internet connection in order to actively stream that data on the fly, while you're in the sim flying. Microsoft's servers house over 2 petabytes of scenery data which is what is accessed when you're connected online with the sim (real time weather, real time traffic, and multiplayer of course all require internet too). While you're connected you can cache the scenery, meaning that it saves it to your computer while your flying and you can then fly over that same area, with the high quality scenery, in offline mode. By saying this I don't think I'm breaking with the NDA as this has all been discussed in the preview videos and presentations done by Asobo and Microsoft for the sim already. There is more that I'd like to say but I don't want to say anything that isn't already in the public domain.

Rick, with regard to the 10-year remark, I should have included "at least" in front of that. As of back in the middle of May, there were already over 200 3rd party developer companies working on developing for this sim (PMDG is confirmed (more I wish I could say) and A2A has to be another), as well as over 400 individual 3rd party developers already had access to the SDK by that point.

This video is from a Q&A that Asobo and Microsoft held about the sim way back in September of last year which I figured most have already seen and know much about, but just in-case anyone hasn't, it probably answers a lot of questions you might have:

Speaking of another major sim, DCS, the owner of the development company for that sim has stated in detail in recent months about how they cannot themselves be as successful as they can in keeping that sim going forward unless they continue doing what they have been doing in continuing to release DCS as an always advancing open beta, allowing the thousands of users to report bugs and not have to add an additional 2-3 years of development time prior to release just for in-house testing for each module or significant update. It's a successful business model for them and it allows the user base to be directly involved in the continued development and refinement of the sim
Thanks a lot everybody


As I have FSX and P3DV4.4 I will give it a try-i Am from Europe- so something on HD
