MSFS problem


Charter Member
I do not understand this
I am logged in

Go to your XBox application.
First log out from the app.
Then log in again in the app.
Then try to relaunch your MSFS.

EDIT: I just launched my XBox app to take a look. I get an error message on top of the screen telling that they couldn't log me in. Maybe it's a general MS server issue.

EDIT2: I proceeded to relog in the XBox app and it worked without issues. Not sure what happened, but I could log in without problems, at least :)

EDIT3: I could launch MSFS without issues and reach the main menu. There was a micro-second update on the loading, not sure if anything got downloaded, but it disappeared immediately and loading continued until menu. No issues :)
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Go to your XBox application.
First log out from the app.
Then log in again in the app.
Then try to relaunch your MSFS.

EDIT: I just launched my XBox app to take a look. I get an error message on top of the screen telling that they couldn't log me in. Maybe it's a general MS server issue.

EDIT2: I proceeded to relog in the XBox app and it worked without issues. Not sure what happened, but I could log in without problems, at least :)

It's getting better :banghead:

I have seen both of these screens over time. Usually logging into Microsoft and finding the XBox location where I downloaded MSFS solves the problem. I just tried going to that location. It shows that I own MSFS. The next step would be to play instead of buy. Hope that helps.
I got the 'insert disc' error yesterday - I just closed the application then booted up MSFS from the Xbox app - I usually use the MSFS2020 executable shortcut - but using the Xbox game launcher instead worked right away
I got the 'insert disc' error yesterday - I just closed the application then booted up MSFS from the Xbox app - I usually use the MSFS2020 executable shortcut - but using the Xbox game launcher instead worked right away

Yes, I did the same
Although it keeps running MSFS in a window
I hope they fix that too
On PC, for the past couple of weeks, MSFS starts in windowed mode every time. The first thing I have to do each time I start the sim is change back to full-screen mode. It's irritating, but livable. I, like you, hope they fix these issues with SU15, whenever that is.
from the thread post made last week on the official forum it was stated that they had only recently been made aware of and found the problem causing the sim to open in windowed mode every time

It said they had fixed it and it would be part of the delayed Sim Update
On PC, for the past couple of weeks, MSFS starts in windowed mode every time. The first thing I have to do each time I start the sim is change back to full-screen mode. It's irritating, but livable. I, like you, hope they fix these issues with SU15, whenever that is.

I have the same, here is a reason why Im waiting for next Sim Update. Very annoying, doesn't remember settings at all - full screen, windowed and size of the window :/.