MSFS Releases Local Legend 17: THE Curtiss C-46 Commando

after i see the nice Liverys from Thomas and Jan:love:
i have buy the c46,
but the Sound is a no go for me,after 20 minutes i park it in my Hangar.....
so i use it only as ai in MP as is,i hope there comes a Mod for this Plane to fix it.
most files are hiden,so no way for me to do this.

So Thank´s Thomas and Jan for your Nice Work!!! :love:
after i see the nice Liverys from Thomas and Jan:love:
i have buy the c46,
but the Sound is a no go for me,after 20 minutes i park it in my Hangar.....
so i use it only as ai in MP as is,i hope there comes a Mod for this Plane to fix it.
most files are hiden,so no way for me to do this.

So Thank´s Thomas and Jan for your Nice Work!!! :love:

I agree with your sound concern, really the only short coming of this new release. The MAAM B-25 in FSX had an excellent sound file , not sure if they share the same power plant in real life but I feel this would be an improvement.

The Curtiss C-46 uses the Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp (same as the DC-6 used a.o.) where the B-25 Mitchell is powered by the Wright R-2600 Twin Cyclone which, if you ask me, sounds very different compared to the P&W R-2800 (i used to think that during fly-by the B-25 sounded very much like a 'Harley-Davidson on the fly' while clearly not so much true for the DC-6 or other R-2800 equipped aircraft..)

Since the C-46 was developed by the Curtiss-Wright company you'd wonder why they went for the P&W R-2800 instead of 'their own' Wright R-2600. Maybe more power ?...

As for the Maam-Sim B-25 soundsuite, we developed it ourself by recording the engine sound of MAAM's own B-25 'Briefing Time', both inside and out. Inadvertedly it possibly became one of the most expensive sound suites ever created for FS. Although ages ago I feel i still am not at liberty to tell you anything more about that...

As for the C-46 engine soundsuite. If you ask me you'd get the most satisfying result by using Ted 'Tufun' Wolfgang's amazing engine sound for Manfred's freeware C-47. Original for the FS9 version, can't remember if it made it as far as FSX but i do think so. Later it became even superseded by a C-47 soundsuite created by a gentleman who's name i can't recall atm.

I still think both these C-47 engine soundsuites are some of the very best twin prop engine soundsuites ever created for FS9 and FSX/P3D. Like the double row of cylinders of the P&W R-1830 that powered the C-47/DC-3, these 2 superb engine soundsuites doubled the fun it already was to fly Manfred's likewise superb C-47 in FS9 and FSX/P3D. I'd almost say "those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end.." :teapot:
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The Curtiss C-46 uses the Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp (same as the DC-6 used a.o.) where the B-25 Mitchell is powered by the Wright R-2600 Twin Cyclone which, if you ask me, sounds very different compared to the P&W R-2800 (i used to think that during fly-by the B-25 sounded very much like a 'Harley-Davidson on the fly' while clearly not so much true for the DC-6 or other R-2800 equipped aircraft..)

Since the C-46 was developed by the Curtiss-Wright company you'd wonder why they went for the P&W R-2800 instead of 'their own' Wright R-2600. Maybe more power ?...

As for the Maam-Sim B-25 soundsuite, we developed it ourself by recording the engine sound of MAAM's own B-25 'Briefing Time', both inside and out. Inadvertedly it possibly became one of the most expensive sound suites ever created for FS. Although ages ago I feel i still am not at liberty to tell you anything more about that...

As for the C-46 engine soundsuite. If you ask me you'd get the most satisfying result by using Ted 'Tufun' Wolfgang's amazing engine sound for Manfred's freeware C-47. Original for the FS9 version, can't remember if it made it as far as FSX but i do think so. Later it became even superseded by a C-47 soundsuite created by a gentleman who's name i can't recall atm.

I still think both these C-47 engine soundsuites are some of the very best twin prop engine soundsuites ever created for FS9 and FSX/P3D. Like the double row of cylinders of the P&W R-1830 that powered the C-47/DC-3, these 2 superb engine soundsuites doubled the fun it already was to fly Manfred's likewise superb C-47 in FS9 and FSX/P3D. I'd almost say "those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end.." :teapot:
Hey Jan,
yes this sound were great to use,but i do not know how to do?
all the hidden files at the Marketplace is a pain......
so it stay in the hanger.
cheers Ralf

PS;still miss The MJ Times:cool:
This the link to Manfred's C-47 V3.

and this may be the other sound set that was mentioned :

i have still the files,
but i can not ad them to the c46,maybe i try to ad it to a livery?
have no time at moment,will try later
It might be possible to produce a sound mod for the C-46 as for the Duckworks mod.
Both DC-3 and C-46 Official sound folders contain just a PCK file with all the WWise sounds in them.
The Duckworks DC-3 Sound folder is just an XML file controlling all the sounds.

A brave soul might create a private mod with the Duckworks XML and the C46 PCK file, probably with some tweaking.
Better would be a Duckworks C46 mod :)

Personally I find the sounds OK as I fly only in the cockpit, in VR and I know from experience that sound-defeating headphones do just that...
I was rather hoping there'd be a Duckwork mod for the Caribou, but upon enquiring I was told there are no plans for it. That aircraft is a beauty, and is crying out for further development.
I was rather hoping there'd be a Duckwork mod for the Caribou, but upon enquiring I was told there are no plans for it. That aircraft is a beauty, and is crying out for further development.

Now that you mention the Caribou, those engine sounds would be a good substitute in a pinch .... very nice !

You can´t use the latest Manfred Jahn sounds. They are not working. A DC-3 soundset is IMHO not a good idea - other engines and no 4-blades props. On my soundsystem, the AH engines sounds ok and not too bad on my Bose soundset on desk.

But the PMDG DC-6 R-2800 radials are working well in the Commando.

Anyway, I just work on a civil copilot, is it much better? 5 new textures? Is it that worth?


and this may be the other sound set that was mentioned :

Thanks collensr ! Mike Maarse indeed ! I thought it couldn't be done, improve upon the beautiful C-47 soundsuite Tufun created but Mike pulled it off anyway. Remarkable ! All Twin Wasp afficionados couldn't be happier ! So far i feel that MSFS is a bit of a let down when it comes to prop engine soundsuites. Some are quite nice indeed but IMHO both the DC-3 and DC-6 a.o. sounded much better in FSX/P3D. No doubt it has to do with the much different and possibly much complexer way of implementing engine sounds in MSFS. Personally i am a strong believer of sound being just as important (maybe even *more* important) as the visual aspect of a simulation. I do hope MSFS2024 will set that right this time. :)
I like Mike Maarse, too. And his old sounds are working like a charme in MSFS AH´s C-46. Sounds really well. Gear, flaps etc are there. Nice!

"And his old sounds are working like a charme in MSFS AH´s C-46. Sounds really well. Gear, flaps etc are there. Nice! "
Thomas, that's great news, any chance pointing us to a procedure that makes this possible. Would be wonderful to bring the wonderful song of those P&W R-2800's to their full glory. TIA..
Me too, big fun that was, but we need to move on my friend, no matter if we want or not ! :running: ;)
i have the mj run in msfs before they change the clicspots........and it sounds like in pd3,it was a real lost after this *update***
and the vc was a lot better,were nice to make a mod wat use the vc and sound on the AH,that´s were my to cent to move on :love:
but i can not do,and then there were a need to give permision to use this...........but i can dream.
Thanks collensr ! Mike Maarse indeed ! I thought it couldn't be done, improve upon the beautiful C-47 soundsuite Tufun created but Mike pulled it off anyway. Remarkable ! All Twin Wasp afficionados couldn't be happier ! So far i feel that MSFS is a bit of a let down when it comes to prop engine soundsuites. Some are quite nice indeed but IMHO both the DC-3 and DC-6 a.o. sounded much better in FSX/P3D. No doubt it has to do with the much different and possibly much complexer way of implementing engine sounds in MSFS. Personally i am a strong believer of sound being just as important (maybe even *more* important) as the visual aspect of a simulation. I do hope MSFS2024 will set that right this time. :)
yes,a flight need a good sound to feel we can only hope for a mod:cool:
How to get a new Soundset for C-46.

1. Download attatched *.zip. Its the structure for a Microsoft/AH C-46 sound mod without the sounds. Unzip it and move it to your community folder.
2. Download Mike Maarse Soundpack from Link above. Unzip it and move/copy the sounds (all content of sound folder) into empty sound folder of my attatched file.
3. Now you have to pack the new soundset. Move layout.json with the mouse button held down over the MSFSLayoutGenerator.exe and then let go - a new package is created and MSFS can read it. Thats all.

This sound mod is then activ to all C-46 without doing more. If you don´t like the Mod, simply delete or move it out community.

Have fun!



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