Multiple Airport Scenery Check


Just finished a marathon scenery check of all the 2020 airports I have from Simmarket. My first impressions of my 2020 payware airports in 2024 is actually very positive, especially with what we are seeing with aircraft.

Below is the Simmarket section of my add-on scenery for 2020 that I've installed in 2024 and checked. For the check I started the flight above each airport to scout how it blends in with the surrounding area and then when needed a low pass over detailed areas I wanted to look at. I think out of the whole lot, only KJAX installed itself into 2020 and had to be moved over to 2024. The rest went straight to 2024 when they had install apps.

These all passed with flying colors as far as blending in and looking great. What I didn't look for were any animated elements that each may have. I'll check that later when I make real flights into each of them.

-I will probably switch the Pachilabs KJAX for the Fly-2-High version at some point. Pachilabs look really good but has the rectangular terminals, instead of the RL arched terminals.

-TTCP is one of the enhanced default 2024 airports so I checked which one looked better. As far as I can tell, 2024 used the airport from the Caribbean Pkg. They look exactly alike.

-TIST is actually much better in 2024 than it was in 2020. In 2020 there was a glaring mesh issue directly next to the terminal that left those buildings floating in the air. Drove me nuts every time I landed there. That's fixed in 2024.

-A perimeter elevation/mesh issue MDSD had in 2020 isn't there in 2024. Like TIST, this one looks better in the new sim.

How did you get this to show up? My Simmarket stuff won't show, nor will anything else in my community folder.
I installed them straight from the Simmarket app. The ones that install directly, I made sure they were pointed to the 2024 Community folder. The ones the were DLs, I manually copied them in that folder also. A few DLs were exe files. I just made sure those were pointed to the 2024 Community folder also.

No tricks to get any of them to work.

Not sure if it makes a difference but my 2024 is the Steam version. Installed to the default location with the Community oder is on the C drive.

Steam version. That might be the problem. I wish now I had gotten the Steam version instead of the XBox app store version. (PC) I did the same you did, Simmarket app installed. They are all in the community folder, but NONE show in the sim.

Before the first update, the Flysimware Cessna 414, which was the first aircraft listed as compatible in my emails, I downloaded and installed, and it worked well. Since the first update, which caused my sim not to load, and required an uninstall and reinstall to get working again, as well as the second update needing the same, nothing in the community folder has shown in the sim. I guess I'll have to turn in a report on the MSsupport forums.

Update, I found the problem. I was pointing the sim one folder to deep, and it kept installing a new, empty, community folder. Everything working now.