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    Library How to

My Preview of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020


Members +
Hi all,

I thought it was about time I did my full Preview of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 as it appears the Discovery feature series has faded away.

I appreciate flight sim reviews by experienced real world pilots. It's even better when those real world pilots also have plenty of experience with various computer simulators.

Looks like I will be building the the most advanced computer I can afford!
Welll, If I were to go by Microsofts recommendations, I'd be rushing out to update my motherboard and cpu to the latest generation of Ryzen 9-3900x and an NVidia 2080Ti. That just isnt going to happen.. As is, My machine sits smack in the middle of their chart and runs P3DV5 with completely maxed out settings at 35-70 FPS, and X-Plane 11 at 35 _ 80 FPS with mostly maxed out settings.. It's my network I worry about. I get 1.9MB throughput at best on a 20mbt line.. There is no upgrade available, so thats the best I'm gonna get..
I'm very curious after watching that video. The depiction of the flight dynamics seems to indicate a more granular approach to the Blade Element model of Aerodynamics theory. That would put MS2020 square into X-Planes front yard causing Laminar to take some drastic actions to stay afloat. My Guess is that Laminar will focus more now on their professional flight training software and develop or refresh old alliances with simulator hardware companies to produce better training simulators while letting the enthusiast market drift for a while. Either that, or take Microsoft to court as a barrier tactic to slow them down. I mean, Lets face it. All traces of Microsoft Flight Simulator are gone from MSFS2020, ans what we are left looking at, is a version of X-Plane. But ohhhhh what a version it is..
Just asking why everyone calls it FS2020?
Neither Microsoft nor Asobo has it by that name. The official name is Microsoft Flight Simulator aka MSFS.
Avsim started the whole thing by renaming it FS2020 or FS20, which is the name of the latest farm simulator.
FS2020 is also the name of Aerofly's sim for iOS[FONT=arial, sans-serif].

Why confuse?
Just asking why everyone calls it FS2020?
Neither Microsoft nor Asobo has it by that name. The official name is Microsoft Flight Simulator aka MSFS.
Avsim started the whole thing by renaming it FS2020 or FS20, which is the name of the latest farm simulator.
FS2020 is also the name of Aerofly's sim for iOS.

Why confuse?

Because its less confusing.

Keep in mind, there are several versions of MSFS currently being used. So which version are we talking about??? MSFS is nebulous and general. It could describe anything from the last thirty years, as can be evidenced by a scroll through the forum menu. MSFS2020 FS2020 and other honorariums are simply ways of identifying a specific version easily and quickly. Sure we could be talking about farm sim, but how likely is that on a site dedicated to aviation???
Because its less confusing.

Keep in mind, there are several versions of MSFS currently being used. So which version are we talking about??? MSFS is nebulous and general. It could describe anything from the last thirty years, as can be evidenced by a scroll through the forum menu. MSFS2020 FS2020 and other honorariums are simply ways of identifying a specific version easily and quickly. Sure we could be talking about farm sim, but how likely is that on a site dedicated to aviation???

I'm not sure how confusing it really is.. There's FS9, FS2004, FSX, FSX:SE, all identifiable, then there's MSFS.
Maybe it's just dyslexic to confuse or mistake any info, or even images of Microsoft Flight Simulator with any of the older sims, that have unique names.
LOL, it's a site dedicated to simulation.

FS2020 is also known for Aerofly's flight sim, for iOS & Android.

Yeah, I hear ya. Splitting hairs and all that, but not everyone is able to perform the mental gymnastics needed to translate "a Century of flight" into FS2004 and then into FS9. Personally, I've never been exposed to Aerofly, so hearing it spoken of as FS2020 is disquieting. It wrinkles my world. Boo hoo, poor widdle me.. Yeahhhh, Its what i get for having autistic friends... They can be very literal, BUT, I can be very lazy and I dont want to type "Microsoft Flight Simulator" everytime I mention it, because I know the first thing someone else will say is "Which Version".. :::LOL:: So too me its MSFS2020 Or, since we dont have Aeroflyhere at the house, its FS2020..
I agree, and to be even more lazy & save keystrokes, from the extraneous 2020.. Then it's the correct version & not FSX no FS2004/FS9.
It's nice to know that all this renaming does not confuse Microsoft, they still call it by it's given name. Asobo wear the t-shirts.

To save even more key strokes, how about FSXX?
By the way, if you had used MSFS in your post, that's at least 6 keystrokes that could have been saved.
I have never, in any forum, here or elsewhere, have I seen anyone asking which version when seeing MSFS or Microsoft Flight Simulator, especially in another forum that uses the given name.

LOL, you mean to tell me that guys that perform mental gymnasts flying PMDG & other 'study' level' aircraft get confused and do not know what sim MSFS or Microsoft Flight Simulator refers to?

Just sayin':wiggle:
How shall I name thee, let me count the ways..

So you dont try to dictate how I write talk or otherwise think, and Ill afford you the same courtesy..
No problem, that's a new thing that they are doing for Avsimmers, as they were the originators of the FS2020 nomenclature.

Asobo was asked to do that to stop them becoming confused with other sims. They have not added 2020 to any official logos, nor to their t-shirts.

Call it what you like, l prefer the official name. It respects the brand. Sign of the times that people have stopped doing that. But then, the year 2020 has been very different.

Dare I say it.... Real names matter..
Most folks have a hobby, like say - flight simulation. :adoration:

Some other folk have a hobby horse that they are OCD about, like the name of a flight simulator... :dizzy:
Vindicated at last!
There will be 3 versions released, Standard, Deluxe & Premium.. Not a xx or 2020 in sight! :applause::applause::applause:
It is, from all accounts, a beautiful sim. But unfortunately I just cannot afford to buy new addon aircraft/scenery to work in MSFS2020. It's merely a financial thing. NC

Which version of Microsoft Flight Simulator are you talking about? There is a Standard version, a Deluxe & a Premium version, no 2020 version at all, fake news, in fact!
Maybe your budget could go for the affordable Standard version. Try that, when the time comes. That is the most cost effective version. If you want add-ons, well, no sign of then as yet, but I'm sure you will have a lot of enjoyment with the standard version.
I was looking through the list of default aircraft to be provided, and I couldn't see any military planes. But maybe I missed something.
Lots of GA's though.


Which version of Microsoft Flight Simulator are you talking about? There is a Standard version, a Deluxe & a Premium version, no 2020 version at all, fake news, in fact!
Maybe your budget could go for the affordable Standard version. Try that, when the time comes. That is the most cost effective version. If you want add-ons, well, no sign of then as yet, but I'm sure you will have a lot of enjoyment with the standard version.

Hi Zswobbie1,

It isn't that I couldn't afford the base version (which, in my case would just be the Standard); it would be the addon aircraft (and most likely scenery) that would cost. With the understanding this sim does not have any military aircraft, I would need to acquire addons, when available. And, unless they were free addons, I just cannot afford to buy all over again. Before someone replies with a flame post about MSFS2020 is not designed for military simulation flying, and that I should go to DCS if that is what I am looking for.....I know that already. I do have DCS, and P3DV5. And there is a LOT that I can be satisfied with both sims. NC