Navigation in ETO

It can be added if someone wants to put it in ETO, I just hope they fix the shoreline if they do.

:wavey:Hey lewis11777. Just made a Eto mirrow image bakup, Gona try using that Quick Combat Shipping Strike Generator. If I screw up I can aways go back to Bakup.
To answer the original question regarding navigation in CFS3:
No, can't be done accurately.
CFS 3, unlike it's other MS sisters, uses a flat map as opposed to a round world, thus real world coordinates are stretched and distorted.
This has been done to simplify the underlaying math for gunnery, esspecially for moving guns. It's just easier to calculate a bullet path in a square box than on a round surface.
The price for having manneable gunner stations, if you will.
This is also the reason why there is a map size limit in CFS3.
To answer the original question regarding navigation in CFS3:
No, can't be done accurately.
CFS 3, unlike it's other MS sisters, uses a flat map as opposed to a round world, thus real world coordinates are stretched and distorted.
This has been done to simplify the underlaying math for gunnery, esspecially for moving guns. It's just easier to calculate a bullet path in a square box than on a round surface.
The price for having manneable gunner stations, if you will.
This is also the reason why there is a map size limit in CFS3.

Yes, that would screw up navigation over anything other than very short trips.

Mercator Charts work to the sphere distortion. Without the sphere in CFS3 the charts and bearings drawn on them would put you all over the place!

From what you are saying Magnetic North and True North variation are probably not taken into account either and forget the triangle of velocity to allow for wind!!

As Al stated there are several weather formations in ETO that have wind in them. Look for the ones with wind 3, 6 and 12 knots in the description. these winds are out of 270 degrees.

You can make the wind any velocity and any direction you would like.

The wind will affect your TAS when in flight, faster downwind and slower in to the wind. By selecting runways that are laid out east and west you can practice crosswind landings in ETO Quick Combat.

There are also ETO missions that have localized wind and weather to be mission specific. the wind will only be present in the vicinity of the carrier to help you take off and land but not in the target area.

Hope this helps,


Looking at the weather selection in my ETO I can see all the different weather types but no details on wind?

Why am I missing these?

Looking at the weather selection in my ETO I can see all the different weather types but no details on wind?

Why am I missing these?


Go to your QC menu under location and then weather. You are able to scroll down thru various weather choices. Near the bottom you will notice several files that are named Low Cumulus Wind 3, Low Cumulus Wind 6, and Low Cumulus Wind 12. You have to put your mouse pointer on the selection to read all of it.

These winds are from270 degrees due west. So if you pick an airfield in QC laid out north or south you can practice crosswind landings.

Hope this helps,
If you want to change the wind direction and speed simply open the file up with note pad and at the top you will see the wind direction of 090. However please note that in CFS 3 the wind is exactly opposite of what is listed on the file. So to generate wind from South West 200 degrees you would need to enter 020 degrees. You can make the wind speed any amt you want.

All of the carrier missions in ETO and PTO already have the wind built in to the mission for you to enable carrier takeoff. Most are done with coordinates to restrict the wind to the immediate area of the carrier.
