Navy repaints for the Goshawk.


Retired SOH Administrator
Found these fictional Navy repaints for the freeware DSB/Iris T-45 Goshawk at yesterday; by Hartwig Ullrich. Very nice!

Some screenshots included in the zip files:







And a few more, based on post-WW2 paintschemes:







And one last, for the British Navy:

I had to come right over from AVSIM and make a comment on these paints. They are abso-freakin-lutely gorgeous!!! After Milton's recent help with the "underground wheels" problem I've been flying her alot and these schemes will put her in the air even more often. Hartwig Ullrich's work is OUTSTANDING!!!

darn it Hartwig! :icon_lol: *suspiciously eyeing the forums* which one of yous leaked my plans to do some 'Retro Bird' type paints? :icon_lol:

great paints, going straight in my install.....
...And why don't we have real planes painted up like this anymore?:isadizzy:
That one in Marine grey livery reminds me of an OA-4M Skyhawk model I used to play with as a kid.:cost1:
Y'know what'd look good on the Goshawk? Vietnam-era VF-84 markings (as seen on the F-4B's operating off the Independence):kilroy:
darn it Hartwig! :icon_lol: *suspiciously eyeing the forums* which one of yous leaked my plans to do some 'Retro Bird' type paints? :icon_lol:

great paints, going straight in my install.....

Excellent repaints.. and btw, Matt... if you finish up yours, I'll wrap my "Hawks" up in them as well. Man... IRIS wasn't kidding about "Hawk Superpack"... I just ran the .exe to a temp folder. 14 different versions of the Hawk, including the Goshawk. Each folder has multiple models and repaints :isadizzy:. That's alot of Hawks.

I remember years ago, just being able to download one or two variants at a time that were released as freeware under the DSB title.

I remember years ago, just being able to download one or two variants at a time that were released as freeware under the DSB title.


i remember that, my first Purchase way back when was the 'DSB Hawk 1' pack.... closely followed by the 100 series, 200 series and Goshawk :icon_lol:

These models have certainly stood the test of time. Milton's wheel fix for the Goshawk and Hartwig's magnificent re-paints have shown yet again that if the base model is sound then it will always provide great satisfaction from future mods/tweaks and professional standard re-paints.

Anyone interested in fixing the non-rotating nosewheel on the Hawk 200?

Thanks for the outstanding re-paints Hartwig.
Here's how I got my Hawks:


$49 Australian dollars at the time IIRC, and it had all the Hawk packs, the F-20 and the F-5 with expansion packs on it but because a few CD's got lost somewhere in the Oz post office David sent out new ones that also had the 'UK fighters' Buccaneer and Phantoms on it.

you guys know me too well! who tipped you off i like Dayglo on aircraft? :icon_lol: just got back from a 3.75mi run (with a mid 1.5mi, 100ft in gain ran in 9mins) and now i'm at a spring to my paint shed! this'll get me back fighting fit in no time! :icon_lol:

daaaang Ferry... i remember that CD!

EDIT: anyone want me to improve the look of the VC like i did in the T.1 while i'm at it?
EDIT: anyone want me to improve the look of the VC like i did in the T.1 while i'm at it?

That'd work for me too Matt. I wonder if IRIS jazzed up the Hawk just a little before releasing the Super Pack as a freebie... The textures seem a little cleaner, the front wheel has an accurate suspension animation and the sounds seem a little better than the original. Just an observation, it's been a while since I have flown the Goshawk anyhow so maybe these things were already there and I just have a faster PC to run it on.

well i just found ALL the prototype hawk textures i did... so yeah will get it uploaded tonight (Currently making paintkit for T-45C)... just for a sneak peek at my masters to the T.1, just so you get a vague feel for how T-45C would look....
you guys know me too well! who tipped you off i like Dayglo on aircraft?

EDIT: anyone want me to improve the look of the VC like i did in the T.1 while i'm at it?[/QUOTE]

Now that's one of the dumbest questions I've ever heard!! :icon_lol:

Count me in with a big YES!!:jump:

Looking forward to your paints, Matt. Thanks :applause: :guinness:

all right you lot, here's a first glance of the T-45 in my paint shed, working the externals..... still a shed-load to do but making progress
Looks pretty good so far... you'll have to keep us up to date on your wizardry with this little beauty. :salute:

:ernae: -- BB686:USA-flag:
right naptime for me.... been up since 2300 last night working on things, here's how she stands as of this minute... still a fair bit to do, but it's shaping up....