Navy repaints for the Goshawk.

well i just got up after a somewhat disturbed nights sleep, and am already tweaking the VC textures prior to finishing the Externals.... :jump:
ok she's just had her first test flight..... just gotta sort the hook mount, and i think that'll do it....
Matt, I love the fictional "Koninklijke Marine" scheme. The Naval Aviation Service from the Dutch Navy does only exist in name. The last helicopters (Westland Lynx) were transferred to the "Defence Helicopter Command and are currently being replaced by the Eurocopter NH-90 (20). The Search and Rescue Service which is currently part of the Air Force will move to the same squadron.

50 years ago the Dutch Navy still had nearly 200 aircraft, among which 15 helicopters and 22 jet fighters. It is all very understandable from political financial and even strategic point of view, but I definitely miss the aircraft from the Naval Air Airfield Valkenburg.

I'm not a big fan of fictional repaints but I must say this one is very nice!
Many thanks Matt!!! :salute:
Great work Matt! :applause: I was going to put in a request for a red nose tip like our Sea hawks had, or perhaps orange like the spinner on our Sea furies, but I see you've already uploaded it.

Might as well post the photos I found on my hdd anyway:


Only if it's not too much trouble Matt!

(But if.... Could you check the font used? The navy used a 'square' type for both letters and numbers. I have no idea what this font type is called though!)
i had to go with best alternate, same font as is on my Koninklijke Marine Harrier, kinda keeps a theme for now till i can get a bloomin good side shot to redraw the decals needed :salute:

but yeah will take a look at the Dayglo nose sometime today :wiggle:
Thank you Huub! Looks close enough except for the 'N' perhaps (See pic of Harvard above).
The font I use is AFAmarillo. Real world the Navy is looking to paint 10 jets in adversary themes for both Meridian and Kingsville.
Thanks guys for your comments.
I am pleased that you like my repaints. This really boosts my motivation.

Matt, your Koninklijke Marine paint scheme looks great.
Hartwig, if you want my baked layers for the T-45 let me know and i'll be glad to pass it along :salute: