I went to start a flight in Froggy's Vintage Scotland, where I've been flying since GW3 and that set of sceneries was new, and things didn't look right. In fact, the world looked downright strange, with water where land should be, dry land where water should be, missing shorelines, etc.
I took out the western Europe ("Eurw") folder and replaced it with the corresponding folder from my FS1954 sim and everything looked right again - except it didn't look like the Golden Age; it looked like the Classic era. To properly restore Vintage Scotland and the rest of Western Europe, I need to replace that folder with one from a properly functioning Golden Wings install.
I don't want to re-install GW3 from scratch, and the installer only does the full monty, which I do not want, lest conflicts arise with my existing GW. I just want to replace that one folder.
Would someone with a properly running GW3 be kind enough to zip up a copy of their Eurw folder and send it to me?
It's almost fifty megs, too big for e-mail, so I guess it will have to be someone who has a service for sharing big files (or willing to hassle with breaking up the folder into small parts to mail separately - I hope that won't be called for.)
I took out the western Europe ("Eurw") folder and replaced it with the corresponding folder from my FS1954 sim and everything looked right again - except it didn't look like the Golden Age; it looked like the Classic era. To properly restore Vintage Scotland and the rest of Western Europe, I need to replace that folder with one from a properly functioning Golden Wings install.
I don't want to re-install GW3 from scratch, and the installer only does the full monty, which I do not want, lest conflicts arise with my existing GW. I just want to replace that one folder.
Would someone with a properly running GW3 be kind enough to zip up a copy of their Eurw folder and send it to me?
It's almost fifty megs, too big for e-mail, so I guess it will have to be someone who has a service for sharing big files (or willing to hassle with breaking up the folder into small parts to mail separately - I hope that won't be called for.)