Need Help with some GW3 files


I went to start a flight in Froggy's Vintage Scotland, where I've been flying since GW3 and that set of sceneries was new, and things didn't look right. In fact, the world looked downright strange, with water where land should be, dry land where water should be, missing shorelines, etc.

I took out the western Europe ("Eurw") folder and replaced it with the corresponding folder from my FS1954 sim and everything looked right again - except it didn't look like the Golden Age; it looked like the Classic era. To properly restore Vintage Scotland and the rest of Western Europe, I need to replace that folder with one from a properly functioning Golden Wings install.

I don't want to re-install GW3 from scratch, and the installer only does the full monty, which I do not want, lest conflicts arise with my existing GW. I just want to replace that one folder.

Would someone with a properly running GW3 be kind enough to zip up a copy of their Eurw folder and send it to me?

It's almost fifty megs, too big for e-mail, so I guess it will have to be someone who has a service for sharing big files (or willing to hassle with breaking up the folder into small parts to mail separately - I hope that won't be called for.)
Install GW into a temp folder, then just copy & paste whatever you need.
You do not have to do a full install into your sim.
Install GW into a temp folder, then just copy & paste whatever you need.
You do not have to do a full install into your sim.

Yeah, but GW sets up files in folders outside the FSGW3 folder and those would get overwritten - maybe not a problem, but maybe something would get messed up. It just seems like asking for trouble.

Send me a PM with your email adress and I'll try to send you by WeTransfer what you need. I can send up to 2GB.


Dunno, I just did a trial GW install into a Temp folder, nothing overwritten at all.
In fact, I keep an unzipped copy/backup on my portable drive as well.
Dunno, I just did a trial GW install into a Temp folder, nothing overwritten at all.
In fact, I keep an unzipped copy/backup on my portable drive as well.

You're right. When I read the ReadMe files I saw that the original GW3 installer doesn't do that. It's one of the updates that makes GW3 completely separate from the original FS9, with its own GW3 Files folder. So I saved a copy of the folder it sets up in the Documents folder just to be safe, tried installing to a temp folder, and it worked as expected; the saved copy of the GW Files folder wasn't needed.

Meanwhile, Hertzie had sent me a copy of his GW Eurw folder, so the trial was just an experiment, but I'll remember the outcome if I ever need to do it with any other piece of GW that might get corrupted or go missing. (I still can't figure out what actually happened there.)

Something else I learned from this exercise is that the world of GW3 isn't really much different than FS2004 outside of the United States. Except, of course, in Froggy's Vintage Scotland, which I like so much that I made a post-dated version for my "FS1954" Classic Era sim.
I've been flying GW3 since the beginning guys and I don't have a GW Eurw folder. Is that something you made to install Europe scenery in? I have lots of GW scenery installed but none named GW Eurw.
I've just had a quick look at my back-up files of GW, & there is a Eurw folder in Scenery, with 4 Croydon bgl's & 5 Hawkinge bgl's

It's not a new folder, but when GW is installed/copied, those 9 files are just copied into the normal Eurw folder in Scenery.
I've just had a quick look at my back-up files of GW, & there is a Eurw folder in Scenery, with 4 Croydon bgl's & 5 Hawkinge bgl's It's not a new folder, but when GW is installed/copied, those 9 files are just copied into the normal Eurw folder in Scenery.

Even those files are from one of the updates, not from the original GW3 installation. It seems that GW3's unique textures and bgl mods are only for North America. The rest of the world is left stock FS2004. The first and/or second updates add Croyden, Hawkinge, and the separate GW Files folder that allow you to have different default flights and stuff for your FS9 and GW sims.

I probably used to know that; it's probably among the many things I forgot since FS9 and GW3 came out. Since I've done pretty near all my flying in North America except for Froggy's Vintage Scotland, I didn't remember that the rest of the GW world doesn't have that Golden Wings ambiance. So when I went there after a long time away and found that the scenery had somehow been corrupted, I thought the files that needed replacement were unique to GW. That impression was enhanced when I happened to go to one of the inland airports after having mostly flown in the islands of Vintage Scotland, I was surprised to see that the surrounding autogen had an FS2004 look about it. Now it's clear that there was nothing wrong with that. I didn't have to gt copies of someone else's GW3 Eurw folder - all I had to do was copy from any of my post-WW2 sims. I didn't even have to run the original GW3 installer into a temporary folder to get the needed files.

Oh well, live and learn. Or re-learn, as it seems to have been. I will probably never figure out what happened to the files that needed replacement, but since the problem is fixed it doesn't matter.

Now that I've started to do some flying instead of spending all my hobby time fiddling with airplanes and scenery, I may run into more mysteries. I hope I don't get too confused.
All this talk of GW has reminded me of what fun it was, & I have had a separate install of it for many years now.
I've been simming for many years, & got bored with flying the usual point to point flights & then I discovered Garry & Ed's Ford Tri-Motor Project. & did a separate install just for their scenery, as well as Mike Stone's & Milton's older stuff, as that site is/was the repository for their older planes. Great stuff, with sloping runways & ramps. That site is a bit dead now, as Garry has passed on, but still worth a look.
Garry has always said that simming is all about Fun, Facts & Fiction!
I've just added GW & Golden Hawaii scenery to that install. Not flown yet, but should be interesting.