Thank you to all who helped with their tips and advice here, it's very much appreciated.
I think I've gone as far as I could go with the airfile for this plane, trying all the different ideas.. I think the best approach was moving the CoG foward a bit, closer to the mainwheels, but not too far forward. Fine tuning a bit more followed after that It's still requiring a bit of stick foward to lift the tail up, (would be normal practice for most taildraggers I guess) tail is up at 45-50mph and lift off at 70-75mph. A bit of trim up is needed. If you take power off too much too quickly while on approach the nose will drop down at 60mph so its important to have some power on above 60mph down to touchdown. Too much brake and the tail will rise! In all it's performing like how it would according to what I've read about the Stinson.
It's still a work in progress of course, but I feel satisfied with it so far and have really enjoyed hopping along the runway testing it.
Edit: Milton, I took the Avia 156 up for a spin recently, it's a beauty! Thanks Milton!