NETFLIX - The Vietnam War


Charter Member
I have just started watching this - I'm about four episodes in - and I admit I'm hooked. A fascinating and frank insight into a very complex and emotive subject. Gives some interesting insight into the air war as well. Recommended viewing for anyone who has an interest in 20th-century history.
Rgatkinson, I agree...I watched Ken Burns Vietnam and it was interesting to me how he told the story of the French occupation of Vietnam and the troubles they were having and then cut-away to US military personnel describing the same problems. I think the episode was titled Deja Vu.

If your interested in the air war in Vietnam a great documentary created by the USAF was called 'There is a Way' and its available on Youtube. Having read Palace Cobra by Ed Rasimus, I think one of the young men in the video does not make it home and dies in an F-105 mission. Link below: