New ai

At the regional I fly from, the injector dropped in a few bizjets this morning that were absolutely here when I arrived for work, kinda freaky when its all said.
I installed it and find it a huge improvement to the standard msfs weird looking jets.
Have a look at this .

Initially this was just a new thread on SOH that was of minor interest to me. This tutorial was played many times showing its capabilities and installation procedure. Convinced it did not require downloading additional software and finding the instructions simple enough for me to follow, the FSLTL program was successfully installed and run.

This is a nice addon for those inclined to watch airline ground traffic with realistic livery paints. The ground traffic only begins at the gates, but air traffic comes and goes when FSLTL is started and is based closely on real life. While situated on the ground at Atlanta's busy Hartsfield, nearby ground traffic would leave the gates, follow the taxiways, sit in the takeoff position, sometimes with other aircraft occupying the same space, then disappear. At more distant runways planes were seen landing and taking off. Flying from the initial airport to another, one will find the destination populated with real traffic too. The sounds are impressive when nearby planes accelerate to new runway positions or takeoff or land. Small airports may only show a few business jets or no planes at all. Some liveries appear white where there must not be a match in the airline database.

Contrailed aircraft were easier found under clear skies. Chasing after a contrailed A/C in the Cessna Citation Longitude was easily reached at 37,000, but I could not get there in the F/A-18E/F which at full throttle slowed and began falling.

In the Community folder the program and files occupy 21 GB and takes a little time to download and to transfer from another folder using the Addon Linker.

I'll use this program occasionally when I need a pause from flying and am curious about the liveries at a yet unvisited airport of size.