NEW (Apparently) from Kazunori Ito

Bad Float Point

The right float (point.5) has a '-' (minus sign) missing on Lon value. It should be like this: 'point.5=4,-12.000,' (NOT 'point.5=4, 12.000,'). OK?OK!
Chuck B
The right float (point.5) has a '-' (minus sign) missing on Lon value. It should be like this: 'point.5=4,-12.000,' (NOT 'point.5=4, 12.000,'). OK?OK!
Chuck B
Thanks Chuck. I flew a longer flight last evening (Eglin AFB to Homestead AFB) and the flight was uneventful. On final I only had to use the spoiler once to bring the airspeed down on decent, as it got to approx 150kts I brought in the spoiler, drop the flaps to the first position and lowered the landing gears. From there to touchdown was great but then I see what you mean about using the spoilers again for braking as the brakes don't seem to have much effect at speeds higher than 60kts to 70kts. Also after taxiing off the runway, when I stopped and didn't use the parking brakes the aircraft would have reached take off speed again, so it won't sit and idle without the Parking Brakes set.
As far as the livery goes, it's complete. I've also completely retextured the VC to include the pilot texture. The current texture size of the various textures varies because I enlarged every texture 400%, so some are smaller (based on their original size) but the exterior textures are 4096x4096 and so I did a test reduction to 1024x1024 and surprisingly, it doesn't look as bad as I thought it might. I am used to having the bigger textures and so anything lower than that and it looks bad to me, lol. Anyway, I'll reduce the textures to the size necessary for FS9 and make a package with those files. If anyone else is interested and has the expertise to work with a layered paint kit, I'll make that available as well in a separate download. I use Paint Shop Pro and the kit is in that format, but I can also save them as Photoshop (PSD) files also. Let me know what you think.
Check also Nav lights position :semi-twins:
Yep, just finished re-positioning those. I removed the "strobe" because it didn't show and to me it isn't a big deal to have it anyway. . .there are already enough lights. I added a landing light, but I also removed that because the mdl doesn't have a setting for it to illuminate the ground so it's useless. There is light in the cockpit, but I'm not sure where that is coming from since there is no entry for a VC light. . .again, not a big deal to me as I rarely do any night flying.

Yep. I forgot to repositon the lights..sorry about that. Well as I said it is 'hot' so use of spoiler is needed. And as far as taxi speed: use reverse thrust. Tap the F2 key several times AND brake. With TAP (1 time when you find the 'sweet' (neutral) spot) of F2 and F3 you can play one against the other and taxi at 12 kts. On turn tap F3. To park tap F2 to -20 reverse (throttle %) to 'hold' even without parking brake. I know, it's bogus, but that is how I 'cope' with these turbos as I don't 'do' conditioner (is not in panel I use). I will 'try' to make a piston FDE tonight. No promises as I want 460 kts speed. The prior (noisy) FDE air file was from the F-84H (Thunderscreech) by Kaz Ito. The latest FDE air file came from an Antonov AN-32 by Tim 'Piglet' Conrad. Repaints? I do do repaints - sorry. I am a mechanic not an artist (hehe).
Chuck B
Try This, Guys...

Well, I did the best I could with the info available (and a few guess-timates). A piston engined FDE set for everybody to play with. On the ground, the brakes work, and she sits still at idle, but you can still spill it if you're taxiing too fast and cut the wheel too hard. In the air, 325 kts on the deck, 415 kts at altitude (21000-26000 ft.), which turns out to be what the sparse info that I could find for it said it should be. It's not the most maneuverable bird out there, but it doesn't do too bad. The flaps wouldn't do anything for me except slow the aircraft down, but at least they do that... For landing, make sure to keep her at about 140 kts over the fence- any less and it will fall like a stone!

Just rename the file to its original .zip file name and extract the files- included is a copy of the info I could find for it.

Have fun! -Mike Z.


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You don't mind if I tweak the cfg and air so it don't 'drop like a brick' do you? I got 12 years of working on flight dynamics. Perhaps I can find and fix what is not right. No luck involved. Either I see it and can change, then test, or I leave it alone. Some stuff interacts so that has to work too. How's that? I would then do what you did - attach to post. And you can look at the cnt pts from my cfg's and try those. also have to set the Ref Datum and C of G to what I have or the cnt pts, balance, lights and views (and handling / taxi / etc) will be off. OK? OK! I'll get on it tonight. Cheers.
Chuck B
Sure, Chuck- have at it! Take her for a spin, and see what I tweaked, and see what it will do for you... I tried to play it sort of straight, especially with wing and surface areas, as best I could... I think that's where the high landing speed comes from...

Enjoy! - Mike Z.
The livery displayed in my pics is ready to zip up and load into the SOH downloads section. No one has requested the paint kit so that won't be uploaded. The zip will contain only those textures that I changed so the original prop texture is not included so hang onto the one in the original aircraft download. This is only the livery, not the full airplane so you must get that from Also, the FDE is still being worked on, watch this thread to see when it's completed.
One thing to remember, especially for those who have repainting skills but have not done work with Ito Sans textures. . .his material settings do not allow for a shine to be applied via an alpha. If you try, you'll see that the aircraft becomes transparent. For my part, I am unaware of any way to get around that short of modifying the mdl file which Mr Ito will not release. Just a HU.
Akita Koukyou Liveries

Nice paint job, Ed! Come to think of it, I might as well ask for a copy of your paint kit- eventually I may want to have at this thing! In my head I keep seeing this plane in one of those natural metal late war schemes...

-Mike Z.
Nice paint job, Ed! Come to think of it, I might as well ask for a copy of your paint kit- eventually I may want to have at this thing! In my head I keep seeing this plane in one of those natural metal late war schemes...

-Mike Z.
Sure thing Mike. Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop?
Day Off

(Why do I get an urge to say MaZola? (hehe)). I decided to take a day off. So haven't done anything with piston version or your fdes. Real life got in the way too. AND O.K. Daley put out new FDEs for his Porsche 917 Prototype C for 'LeMans 4 FSX' (his scenery - payware). So I had to test drive that at the Le Mans Track. No comment - I reserve the right to remain silent (hehe). Ah, me....FDEs...FDEs - never get done! I think I'll go paint with my acrylics on glossy paper. I'm OUT.
Chuck B
On simviation, Kazunori has released the Miles M.39B Libellula, also in jet power.
Yes, Kazunori is not FDE knowledgeable and so he has a selection of FDE's from previous work that he selects from. Whatever comes the closest gets included with the release. Case in point, the "Akita". . .when I looked closely at the included FDE I found it was the same one that had been included in his McDonnell XP-67 (BAT), which goes back about 8 years. While I can't say this is always the case, usually, if one of his airplanes is found to be especially popular then someone will pick it up and tweak the FDE to get it close to where it actually should be. . .maybe the Libellula will be one of those.