Final Quiz?
Prince of Wales? (feeling smug that I got Hood, so...)
Final Quiz?
Steve are you building these ships? Will these be in the next ETO update?
King George V.other ships in the class Prince of Wales,Duke of York,Anson and Howe.
There really isn't much difference in the ships except AA guns.Being Prince of Wales was sunk December 1942 she didn't have all the upgrades in AA mounts.
Just a little thing. Bearing in mind all the punishment the Bismark took from the RN ( and even the Graf Spee), I am a little doubtful that 1 a/c would have such a total effect as to sinking a battleship.
I meant December 1941.Repulse was sunk along with her that day.
Hey James,
Our objective was to improve the damage effects and get rid of the dirt spray and dirt clods in the existing CFS 3 ship explosions. We also improved the fires, smoke and added a delayed fatal explosion as the ship sinks along with a large blast of steam.
We did not alter the original damage points done by the model builder. The damage points in CFS 3 have been under discussion for some time with regard to aircraft, tanks and ships but that will be a project for another time.
Eventually we will overhaul all of the damage points in ETO but we will do them all at the same time using a common scale and denominator.
By the way, Firestorm flying a single aircraft once sank a carrier trying to land on it.:faint:That is the most damage we ever saw done by a single aircraft to a large ship.
The British Battle ships are not mine. These are from someone else.So glad to see some British battle wagons becoming available, especially the Hood. Excellent stuff Greg!