Charter Member
I've just stumbled across a new method of using the cockpit light to get individual parts to light up. It can be added to any aircraft we have using a hex editor and I think modelers could create to very impressive results if this were taken into consideration while they texture their model. I don't exactly know how the materials are set up in gmax, but the idea is to add a very intense specular shine to the part you want to light up in the color you want it to be in. All other parts should have flat black specular shine - i.e. none. I have done this with the gun sight reticles in these shots, giving them a full red specular shine. Shine was removed from all other parts.
The gauges show a second technique which works for luminescent parts like the gauge markings. They have no specular shine, but the white markings appear to glow green under the very dull pale green cockpit light. The color of the light was changed in the ViewUI.xml. Changing the LightColor value to LightColor="0 10 0". Note if you make this change you will need to delete the ViewUI.xml in the application data folder for the change to take effect. The reticle texture takes this same pale green light and displays is as a bright orange-red due to the intense red specular shine applied to it mixing with the orange color of the reticle texture. It works day and night.
Edit: just noticed it is quite hard to see the effect in these shots, it's much better in game, but there is enough you should be able to tell at least on the gunsight reticle.
The gauges show a second technique which works for luminescent parts like the gauge markings. They have no specular shine, but the white markings appear to glow green under the very dull pale green cockpit light. The color of the light was changed in the ViewUI.xml. Changing the LightColor value to LightColor="0 10 0". Note if you make this change you will need to delete the ViewUI.xml in the application data folder for the change to take effect. The reticle texture takes this same pale green light and displays is as a bright orange-red due to the intense red specular shine applied to it mixing with the orange color of the reticle texture. It works day and night.
Edit: just noticed it is quite hard to see the effect in these shots, it's much better in game, but there is enough you should be able to tell at least on the gunsight reticle.