
I'm grateful- ta!
Hello John
So how can the grass be replaced?
It is a fix included in the updated files, as Marcel linked to above (the no people version includes the updated grass textures as well).
I love the colours and patterns in the surrounding fields at Duxford. I remember a video of an airshow incident where, a pilot had to put his P51D in the field short of the runway, due to engine failure. I think about that on my approach on that end of the strip. The pilot walked away thankfully, and I've seen his interview after talking about how his helmet GoPro footage shows him following emergency procedures to the letter. Amazing.
The incident happened in 2017, and the aircraft was back flying again a year later (now painted as "Contrary Mary"), and it was able to participate in Flying Legends 2018 with Mark Levy as its pilot once again. To help speed along the aircraft's repair, it gained an entirely new wing, which had already been rebuilt in the US and was not tied to any project.
I'm really looking forward to the Microsoft/Asobo Reno Air Races addon so that we'll to have some Mustangs (with accurate repaints planned of UK & European based restored examples) to fly around this Duxford scenery - one of the Mustang models that will be included with that Reno addon ("Lady B") is outwardly essentially the same as a good 75% of the D-model Mustangs flying today world wide, making an excellent base for a great many repaints.
John, do you have word that we can in fact fly the Mustangs in the full sim and fly anywhere? That would be awesome.