Hi Steve, well my time on 'em was over by Xmas 1981...(from late 79!)
and as you know I was working away from a 'Squadron'..however
1) The squadron 'flashes' each side of fuselage roundel...these were unofficial IIRC, but 'allowed'
the style had to be 'approved' by someone of 'Air' rank though. Previously had been the
preserve of the 'Fighter' squadrons and got re-introduced for the majority of Strike Commands'
other fleets in mid 1980's as cold war (and need for dis-identified units) was diminishing.
The theory behind dis-identified is to stop your enemy digging up any information on
a particular squadron / operator which they might then turn to tactical gain,for example.
We would return them to the squadrons with no squadron identifiers whatever (ie 'buzz'
letters on the fin/fuselage and nose gear doors, squadron/station/unit badges,etc),
what happened after that was down to the squadron / station / unit.
like --->
2) Underwing markings...several variations were possible, all were correct, some had no
serials and a small roundel (red/blue only) for reason of dis-identification, then some had a
serial under left (or right) wing only and a small roundel under opposite wing,some had
serials only under both wings, some had standard size red/blue roundel only under both
wings. They would come out of the paint shops at St Athan or Chadderton/Salmesbury in standard
scheme which would then be 'modified' by the station paintshops to suit the particular
squadron and variant operational needs. Thus fleet changes would be gradual,
normally a full repaint would co-incide with a major overhaul or significant structural alteration,
partial repaints would depend on the nature and location of work and paintshop capabilities.
Now certainly at the time of my photo; 565 was wearing, fresh from the paintshop, serial numbers under the wings,
a little smaller than those you've painted on WT305,about half the size in fact... post by 'Stripey'
over there pretty much has it,
(and the dummy intake/cowl fixtures used for engine run-up test were bright red glossy finish).
Did or did not some T17A's appear in grey/green camouflage? As I said earlier all paint changes had to be approved by 'their airships' in MOD, and each slot in paintshop was pre-allocated so..if the paint change came out
and the aeroplane was already too far completed paint-wise to totally re-do in new scheme.....it's entirely possible; the only thing that is documented for sure is the first aeroplane to appear in hemp. The only way to be sure would be to examine the maintenance records for each and every one to see when changes were embodied, but I don't think MOD would like to release them in public.
I would love to be more specific for you, but with
an aeroplane with such a diverse number of roles,operational uses and conversions as the
Canberra there will always be some disputes :mixedsmi: