New EE Canberra series coming soon

This VC looks gorgeous, Steve! :applause:

Although I can live with 2D panels. Actually, there are not many aircraft besides the SF8 Sabre I use to operate from the VC. But this one becomes awesome!

I'm particulary fond of the "De-Mister" lettering on the windshield frame:
The german word "Mist" means something you use to call "manure"... :icon_lol:


Manure: 'DEFINITELY IMPORTANT TO TURN OFF WHEN NOT REQUIRED' lol. That would be one checklist item on your mind.

Glad you like the shape of the VC so far; once I get the aforementioned padding on the seats, those long flights should become a tad more comfy.
To Rhumbold or not to rumble, that is the question...well not any more apparently. I've seen it written both ways, but of late, the debate seemed to swing to 'rumble' seat. I had no idea there was an inventor behind the seat.

A rumble seat is a type of exterior tip up seat you often see on pre war roadsters (see here for details) and would still have been familiar in the early days of Canberra flying; so in this case it likely was a corruption of the inventors name, but with an obvious derivation.

This is all looking rather nice Steve, roll on "late October"!
Nice one for that, Andy, I had no idea about the etymology of the word, but am now informed! As you say, one of those things that probably stemmed over from the cars. The article you sent also mentions 'dickie seat' which I have also seen referred to with the Canberra seat. Not suprisingly, the uncomfortableness of the seat was one of the first things mentioned by Boscombe Down test pilots when the A.1/B.1 was sent up to them from EE. They did say it was useful though, and worth retaining.
Hi Steve;

Seat manufacturer was L A Rumbold company; incorporated into
Contour Aircraft seating and sometime part of Britax, although why the seats' were plated as Rhumbold I don't know.

Rumbolds' had a long and successful run making many of the seats fitted to many British WWII
bombers and transport aeroplanes.

No worries on 'generic' bang-seat..y'know I can't even model in3d...was just reminiscing a bit..
and we often called it the 'dickie seat' too


No, I appreciate your comments Pete, helps me raise the bar a bit in areas that needed it. In certain situations I'll probably leave the back seats lower-poly, but have re-worked the main pilots seat with a bit more padding and life-raft now, so cheers for that.

Thanks also for the details on the Rumbold Company, I learn more everyday. Hopefully we'll all have a laugh banging them up and down to annoy the nav in the back ;)

The next chapter - B.6 (Mod) development:

Well, next on the list was the B.6 (Mod), of which I have just finished the WT333 version. This is a special version, for reasons why I will reveal later! In the meantime, here are a few snaps of her, resplendent in her raspberry ripple scheme, on a rainy day at Wyton.

Ominous weather:


But we're going up anyway:


quick sortie:


and back to base for some hot chocolate methinks...



Heck, at least Elwood looks nice and dry!


More mods and rockers to come soon.
I used to think a timeless elegant aeroplane such as this could by no means be mutilated - but this nose is just ridiculous... :wiggle:
More versions eagerly awaited!

Yes, the Canberra sometimes went all 'Beverly Hills' on us and had some bad nose-jobs. Thing is, like all good 'cougars', even the old and ugly can grow on you, lol. I've got kind of used to the B.6 (Mod)'s nose, and like it now. The T.17 is the true 'warts and all' nose job.
The original Motormouse picture! A good one that, Pete, and yes, the T.17 is scheduled for production next, at long last.

But as a parting shot on odd long-nose Canberras, I finished the B.6(R) with dustbin just now; the one and only WT305 on clandestine ops over the lavender fields of Norfolk. Some cheeky rigger decided we still needed the sunblind fitted...





back to an unknown base...

Ah, I was wondering if you were going to pick that one up Steve!

This is looking better everyday, superb stuff mate. :salute:
it's probably just perpective and / or the paint scheme, but that first shot in post #49 makes it look as if the nose has been offset to one side - almost as if it's been broken in some way. Anyway, they all look great and I'm looking forward to the release,
Hi Ro,

I think it is the paint scheme, the grey being to the left in this shot and causing an optical illusion of sorts. I had a similar comment with the T.11 I did, but I can tell you from spending hours with the Gmax files, they're straight ;) Thanks for the feedback though, as things can and will slip through.

Yes, Andy, it is one of the more unconventional versions of the Cran, but then she did get a lot of plastic surgery over the years. I wonder how the dustbin affected handing? Any former 51 Sqn pilots happen to read this I'd love to hear.
Did someone say T.17....

a much younger me with a fine old Canberra @ 1980



Pete, any chance you can nip over to Canberra Crazy forum to help us out? We've got a couple of ex-360 riggers newly on there, and there is a discussion going on regarding appearance of T.17 markings and camo changes that you might be able to help with. You might know them too, so it's worth a look. One of them is Mac McCutcheon who used to do the engraved starter cartridges. They introduced themselves here:

and this is the markings thread:

Hi Steve, well my time on 'em was over by Xmas 1981...(from late 79!)
and as you know I was working away from a 'Squadron'..however

1) The squadron 'flashes' each side of fuselage roundel...these were unofficial IIRC, but 'allowed'
the style had to be 'approved' by someone of 'Air' rank though. Previously had been the
preserve of the 'Fighter' squadrons and got re-introduced for the majority of Strike Commands'
other fleets in mid 1980's as cold war (and need for dis-identified units) was diminishing.

The theory behind dis-identified is to stop your enemy digging up any information on
a particular squadron / operator which they might then turn to tactical gain,for example.
We would return them to the squadrons with no squadron identifiers whatever (ie 'buzz'
letters on the fin/fuselage and nose gear doors, squadron/station/unit badges,etc),
what happened after that was down to the squadron / station / unit.

like --->

2) Underwing markings...several variations were possible, all were correct, some had no
serials and a small roundel (red/blue only) for reason of dis-identification, then some had a
serial under left (or right) wing only and a small roundel under opposite wing,some had
serials only under both wings, some had standard size red/blue roundel only under both
wings. They would come out of the paint shops at St Athan or Chadderton/Salmesbury in standard
scheme which would then be 'modified' by the station paintshops to suit the particular
squadron and variant operational needs. Thus fleet changes would be gradual,
normally a full repaint would co-incide with a major overhaul or significant structural alteration,
partial repaints would depend on the nature and location of work and paintshop capabilities.

Now certainly at the time of my photo; 565 was wearing, fresh from the paintshop, serial numbers under the wings,
a little smaller than those you've painted on WT305,about half the size in fact... post by 'Stripey' over there pretty much has it,
(and the dummy intake/cowl fixtures used for engine run-up test were bright red glossy finish).
Did or did not some T17A's appear in grey/green camouflage? As I said earlier all paint changes had to be approved by 'their airships' in MOD, and each slot in paintshop was pre-allocated so..if the paint change came out and the aeroplane was already too far completed paint-wise to totally re-do in new's entirely possible; the only thing that is documented for sure is the first aeroplane to appear in hemp. The only way to be sure would be to examine the maintenance records for each and every one to see when changes were embodied, but I don't think MOD would like to release them in public.

I would love to be more specific for you, but with
an aeroplane with such a diverse number of roles,operational uses and conversions as the
Canberra there will always be some disputes :mixedsmi:


As you say Pete, with the Canberra, we could be here til the cows come home, 60 years of service and a lot of variants and sub-variants, mods etc. and there is no 'definitive'. That said, thanks a lot for that cracking run-down on markings as you remember them, I've passed the info on. Glad you brought up the fighter command connection to the lightning stripes, I always did think that looked quite daring, shall we say. I think 85 Sqn had a similar deal on its T.11s with orange and black chequers.

You should stop by CC forum regardless, they're a really good group of lads (not that the SOH crew isn't before someone makes clever remarks!!).


Sneak peaks of the next pack: Bomber Power!

The next pack is not far off now, hopefully will be released by next week, containing B.6, B(I).6, B.15 and B.16 Canberras. Here are a few shots to whet your appetite.





B.6 in Ecuadorian colours:


Rocket pod tests over Akrotiri

Well, some good progress made this evening with the weapon effects for the B.16 with Matra rocket pods. Take a look at the extremely fun test flight I took over the hills of a sleepy Cyprus. Hope the wildlife didn't mind the flaming projectiles coming in too much!






B.15 with Nord AS.30 test firing:



Dropping some weight:

From this point on, all payware I'm afraid. But $5 should be relatively kind on your wallet :) The way it works is not everyone likes EVERY kind of Canberra (granted, there are some of us nut-jobs) but you pick and choose what packs you want as they come out. Some more fun ones coming up after this next one.