New Luft 46 FW 190 D-9s uploaded

Glad to see you back in business!
When you work with Rene and Jon, escape is only an illusion!

More in the pipeline; start with D-11, -12 and -13 variants, and a package of historically plausible what-ifs.

The one dropping the torpedo is actually historical, and the other two less so... There are others!

TD+X1 may be familiar all the same...



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Very cool! Nice to hear about the other variants. A hub mounted 30mm will be fun. Did the D-11 and D-12 become operational? I know a few D-13s did, and I've seen the sole surviving one in person.
These are all very nicely done. I did find that some of the AI versions have a naming error and result in the dreaded flying smiley faces. Looking forward to the other variants.

EDIT: correction, a few of the aircraft don't have a second AI .m3d created.
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The four that need the m3d files added are Red 1, SG2, White 12, and White 100. You can make a copy of the aircraft m3d, and edit the name to end with _AI.
Something odd is going on there. I checked and edited the entire lot of models and XDPs on June 10th (and then sent them to Nigel) but the dates don't match that, having said that Nigel pulled the upload at the last minute before it was approved for the library because some issues were found and the re-uploaded it with the new changes. It somehow looks like the files are the ones from the upload that was meant to be recalled.
As Rene says, this is weird. We withdrew the upload and sorted out all the troubles you've just mentioned, before uploading again. It does indeed sound as though the wrong file got into the library.
These are Dancat's model, so a completely new aircraft with as usual a multitude of historically researched skins. These will be up for downloading soon.

To give you an idea: View attachment 133642View attachment 133639
Updated version here, if I've uploaded it correctly. It is the correct version without the mistakes:

The most exciting aircraft so far this year. Fantastic model and FM ! Thanks to all for the many hours involved in bringing these to us CFS3 fans ! Regards, Scott
Enjoying the Fw 190D's ! Thanks guys ! Will do what is requested next month. May not be much , but every little bit counts. I appreciate Jon and care about him. Regards, Scott
Hi, I seem to be missing the shared files for the cockpit and prop textures, I redownloaded the package in case I loaded one of the older versions and reinstalled but still the same result.
I searched my install for the luft46_fw-190_d9_vc and the luft46_fw-190_d9_vc2 files plus the both L46_FW190d9_prop files but I dont have them. I do have the some luft46 files but nothing for the D9.
I can see its all OK in everybody's attached pictures here on the forum so I must be missing something in my install somehow.
Can anybody help with where I might pickup the required files to suit the D9
Its affecting all the aircraft.


The folder is called L46_FW190D_Shared.
Thanks mate, that's the folder I'm missing, its not in the current download on this site.
In the current download there are 18 folders in the Aircraft folder, 17 are aircraft plus 1 sound folder, no shared folder.
Is it possible for somebody to zip it up and share here?
I remembered I downloaded the original version but not had a chance to install it and then deleted it when the updated version was made available. I checked the recycle bin and the missing folder was there in the original zip.
It is missing from the current download.
Thanks for the help
I tried to attach the shared folder here but its too large (9.23M)