new scenery

Willy, how'd ya get the hanger doors open?

Tune nav1 to 110.05 to open door one

Tune nav2 to 110.05 to open door two

Tune your ADF to 425.0 for the surprise :icon_lol:

Wait all three take some time to work. In the beginning I thought the doors would never open but they must have just been looking for the Keys.

Did you know your helo can easily play tag with all those oldies flying TNG? Good way to hone your flingwing skills - and see the scenery!

You and Flyboy208 just gave me an idea. I added one of Lt. Finney's helipad's & a Corsair to this scenery...SEE SLIDESHOW :pop4:
Okay Flyboy208...This means WAR! :gameon: I'm sending in my heavy hitters! :bump: Big "E" (CVN65) 15.4 NM's off the Virginia Beach Airport/Museum (42VA) coastline...How ya like them apples!? :USA-flag:

This a Google Earth photo of 42VA taken Feb. 2007. Appears to have been construction going on judging from what is probably concrete dust across the parking lot and out the driveway. The scenery certainly looks accurate.
Here are a few shots from ground level. . .blurry, but you can see the hangars and in one shot, even the fountain out by the entrance. Nice job I'd say.
I tried it in FSX and sure enough, the "read me" didn't lie. Transparency doesn't work correctly and the field and nearby road don't line up perfectly with those in the FSX world. I'd sure like to see this made for FSX.:bump:
Looks great! I wish this was available for FSX.

Ed did a fantastic job on this scenery and he has some other files uploaded at FlightSim as well. Just type his name in the search box. All first class work.

Should be a FSX version out soon, just need to convert some of the files to what FSX will read and display.

Anyone of ya that has the chance should go and see the "working" collection of warbirds and military equipment that is on display.

The museum there houses the only known working "Buzz Bomb" left on the planet. The model at the Smithsonian is plywood. The whole collection is huge and this facility can only house a part of it at a time. Currently trying to salvage two working P-38's from seven that have been recovered.

Also there will be construction starting next month that will more than triple the facility with hangers for specific types of aircraft. The Fighter Factory will relocate here. They also have on site a disassembled WW II RAF tower to set up for use at shows. Ed says that there will be an update when they get done.

Should be an on-line event with the MPA group at FlightSim in September. Of course everyone is invited. I'll make a post in the Multiplayer forum here to confirm time and date.

Click all the links, this place is a real treasure if you like warbirds,,,,,not just US either.
Thanks for the information, Salt_Air, it will be awesome to have it in FSX, as that is what I most commonly use out of necessity these days.

The museum had its first ever air show at the new facility last month, and you can view multiple videos on Youtube of the event and of regular operations there. I can't wait to see the many different warbirds, flying state-side, that the museum currently has under restoration - the Mosquito will of course be a huge attraction once completed.
Ed did a fantastic job on this scenery and he has some other files uploaded at FlightSim as well. Just type his name in the search box. All first class work.

Should be a FSX version out soon, just need to convert some of the files to what FSX will read and display.