new textures for Stuartt277 British destroyers class H and I
A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships - Ship repaints
Description: HMS Havoc 1941 wrecked Lybia 06 04 1942
HMS Hesperus 1943 ex Brazilian
escort anti submarine in North Atlantic
texture for 1943 western approches and texture for 1945 bicolor
HMS Hostpur 1941 Alexandrie 1941 42
HMS Hunter 1939 Narvik 10 04 1940
HMS Hurricane 1942 Mediterranee 1941 42
torpedoed German submarine 24 12 1943
HMS Ithuriel ex Brazilian
bombed German aircraft 28 11 1942 (not sunk but total loss)
new dp and ship.cfg for captain use
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new textures for Stuartt277 British destroyers class H and I
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