New textures for Stuart277 French contre torpilleurs Le Fantasque Class
A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships - Ship repaints
Description: FNS_Le FantasqueClassDD_LOD
l'Indomptable X81
le Malin X82
le Triomphant X83
le Fantasque X101
l'audacieux X102
Le Terrible X103
Le Terrible était le navire de combat le plus rapide du monde avec 45,25nds ce record est toujours valable
8eme and 10eme division force de raid escort for CU Dunkerque Strasbourg and Georges Leygues class light cruisers
All in Atlantic medium grey
le Fantasque le Malin and l'Audacieux force Y
combat de Dakar l'Audacieux was badly damaged 1940 09 23
L'Audacieux was scuttled at Bizerte 1943 05
L'indomptable was scuttled at Toulon 1942 11 27
1941 very complex disruptive amiraute camouflage
1943 medium grey and vague d'etrave
Le Triomphant was in Portsmouth in 1940 06 and joined the FNFL
She sailed to Australia and ABDA force
Marine Nationale in 1944
after modernisation
Terrible Malin Triomphant Fantasque all in US measure 22
1944 45 Mediterranean for several high speed raids
dp and ship.cfg for captain use
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New textures for Stuart277 French contre torpilleurs Le Fantasque Class
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