GMax USN Cleveland Class CL Cat V1.0
A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships - US Navy
Description: Gmax models of the USN Cleveland Class Cl with catapult capability for CFS2
There are seven models in this download.
USN_Cleveland_55-56_1944_Cat_LOD later models, different radar and 40 mm and 20mm AA gun setups
USN_Cleveland_57-63_1943_Cat_LOD later models, different radar and 40 mm and 20mm AA gun setups
USN_Cleveland_64-105A_Cat_LOD, later models, different bridge, radar and AA gun setups
USN_Cleveland_64-105B_Cat_LOD, later models, different bridge, radar and AA gun setups
USN_Cleveland_64-105C_Cat_LOD, later models, different bridge, radar and AA gun setups, twin 20mm AA
Note that the 40mm and 20mm armament set-ups are quite varied and I have just made estimates.
I have included some simple textures, suitable for this class.
The texture, USN_Cruiser is unique to each ship in this group and should not be used on my other USN Cruiser classes
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GMax USN Cleveland Class CL Cat V1.0
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