New Ships released by Stuart!

GMax FNS Duquense Class Cruiser for


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: GMax FNS Duquense Class Cruiser for CFS2

Model is Multi-Lod.

GMax Models included.



To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax FNS Duquense Class Cruiser for
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
Hi Dombral

Salut Dombral:wavey:
La catapulte est là, cependant, il a été fait en utilisant 10 polygones et un canal alpha.
L'échafaudage semble un peu maigre.
Je vais faire un peu de travail sur l'alpha channeI et voir à quoi il ressemble.
Si vous voulez, je peux faire une catapulte solide avec 10 polygones, comme je l'ai fait dans le passé, ou une catapulte échafaudage avec 240-300 polygones.
J'utilise Google traduction pour ce que mon français est limité aux «deux bières s'il vous plaît».

Duquense Catapult.jpg
Hi Dombral
The catapult is there, however, it was made using 10 polygons and an alpha channel.
The scaffolding looks a bit 'skinny'.
I will do some work on the alpha channeI and see how it looks.
If you wish, I can make a solid catapult with 10 polygons, as I have done in the past, or a scaffolded catapult with 240-300 polygons.
I use google translate for this as my french is restricted to 'two beers please'.
catapulte Duquesne

merci pour votre réponse , je vous fais confiance pour trouver la meilleur solution .

Le nom de l'amiral de Luois XIV est Duquesne mais vous pouvez le remplacer par Tourville

Inutile de traduire en Français car je lis correctement l'Anglais mais je n'arrive pas à l'écrire et encore moins le parler , je le regrète .

Avez vous prévu le Duquesne de 1944 car il présentait un camouflage intéressant ?

Et pour les autres Croiseurs français ? le Gloire est un cas à part .

Salutations amicales

I am using your nice QueenElizabeth class battleships, but I has problems .When I set "no evade" ,It evade and Turn!!.

Has any a fix?.
it has guns in DP correct?


yes It has a guns. I can not set a lineal way points for this battleships, you set "no evade" and They evade!!.

Another question, is any search the way to collition ships.

Blood hawk I remember that you talk about reduction of the stock japans bombs, I need only the reduction of the 250kg bomb 30% aprox, I can get the others bombs. the stock 250kg shifter to 500kg and I have a 800kg.

I tested all japan bomb pack in orde to get a similar bomb to use like 250kg bomb, but the most "similar" are not similar.
More Japanese and American boats by Stuart 277!

Stuart277 just put two new ships in the CFS2 Navy. How did I miss that? Great going Stuart.
GMax IJN Asahio Class Destroyers for


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: GMax Models of the IJN Asashio Class Destroyers for CFS2.
There are two models, representing the Asashio Class in 1941 and 1944.

Models are Multi LOD and have new DP files.

GMax Models included.



To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax IJN Asahio Class Destroyers for
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
GMax IJN Yugumo Class Destroyers for


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: GMax Models of the IJN Yugumo Class Destroyers for CFS2.
There are two models, representing the Asashio Class in 1941 and 1944.

Models are Multi LOD and have new DP files.

GMax Models included.



To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax IJN Yugumo Class Destroyers for
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
GMax Long Island Class CVE for


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: GMax Long Island Class CVE for CFS2.

Model is Multi LOD and has a new DP file.

Set for 1942.



To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax Long Island Class CVE for
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.