New Short Sunderland MkIII flying boat for Fs9/CFS2

Well Ted 'did it again' ha ha!

Obviously his great talent and generosity, just me making a more pure MkIII Sunderland and a better ac for Fs2004/CFS2 (still a lot of work, mind you! ;))

Anything is better than that abysmal FCS so called Sunderland...why did I waste my money on that?!

And no the He115 is still being worked on, here is a VC taking shape. The main problem is that there is sooo much stuff to make and fit, and with so much glass you can see everything!


[Anything is better than that abysmal FCS so called Sunderland...why did I waste my money on that?!]
Shessi, I did the same thing. Glad to see you're coming through to rescue those of us who did.
Just look at that great big tub... what a magnificent piece of work. Shessi, you're really making good progress on this model. :encouragement:


I's amazing that the Sunderland flew as well as it did, given all that immense bulk. I could take my vacations in that plane, and never have to worry about checking into a hotel.

Hey Guys,

I's amazing that the Sunderland flew as well as it did, given all that immense bulk.

I used to know a guy who crewed on Sunderlands and the story he told me was that you could fly the aircraft on one engine.

Brilliant looking model, Shessi :applause:

Well.... That didnt work, google Sunderland Flypast, on you toob thete is a clip of one doing a touch and go on a runway...



I do not want to look greedy (which I of course am, when it comes to new models.... :biggrin-new:), but when I looked for possible repaints for the Sunderland, I started to wonder whether you will also release a clean version, without the antennas?

Ha ha! If you don't ask, you don't get! ;)

Well I plan to do a late MkIIIA with nose guns and later radar blisters under wings, also an early MkI without aerials and top turret etc.

Or do you want just a clean MkIII?


Thanks for your quick reply, Shessi! I wasn't aware you were planning a Mk.I as well, so really no need to do a clean Mk.III.

And about repainting.............. I have enough plans to keep painting until halfway my next life :dizzy:. Now if I could only fins enough time in this life! :biggrin-new:

Just been doing some Sullom Voe scenery for FS9 to go with the Sundy.

If anybody would like to try out/crtique the Sunderland PM me with email, just couple of people please! Ta.




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I cannot wait for the release

I made this Airfix model, in my time, yes, and I still fly FS9. I think this Sunderland belongs in my Golden Wings. I have an AI Sunderland in Gibraltar, think I might join that one.
Want a screenshot? :)
