New SOH format


Charter Member
I'm a bit taken aback. When did this happen? Why was it necessary? Change for the sake of change? What happened to the library?

Just a few questions for our administrators... from the plebes.

- H52
The library is safe and is simply shut down for now while it is transferred to a new server and back in tippy toppy condition.

The change in the forum software was needed to make the site more secure against attacks, faster and more stable. This new software has features that the old software did will take us all time to get used to it, but once we do, we will see that Ickie has taken us in the right direction once again.

The jury (me) is still out on the new looks, but I have to say it is growing on me.
I'm sure the results of Ickie's work will be an even greater and even easier to use site and library. :jump:

Thank you very much for all your efforts, Ickie.:applause::applause::applause::applause:

I dislike the new format very much. They should have kept the old format that old people like me finally became comfortable with. But no, they have to put something out that will take a long learning curve. I don't have the time to waste learning new things. I have a hard time remembering what I did a half hour ago.
It's too bad that they didn't put it to a vote. It looks like another Windows Vista to me.
The search doesn't work. I can't find my messages any more. Can't even find threads that I sent yesterday.
I feel lost.
I dislike the new format very much. They should have kept the old format that old people like me finally became comfortable with. But no, they have to put something out that will take a long learning curve. I don't have the time to waste learning new things. I have a hard time remembering what I did a half hour ago.
It's too bad that they didn't put it to a vote. It looks like another Windows Vista to me.
The search doesn't work. I can't find my messages any more. Can't even find threads that I sent yesterday.
I feel lost.

Give it time HD, Ickie has to go back with a little at a time, I am sure when all is done, it will be the same warm old SOH.

Hopefully the weather will have warmed too. Y'all snuggled up there in MA? Looks like a blanket another blanket for you. We're getting terrible winds, doubt power will last through the day here in Hoot Owl Hollow. So strong they woke me and I cannot go back to sleep.

Fiirst, after having be suprised by the new format I finally like it.
Visually its lighter and more relaxing than the older one.

Good work gentlemen !
Looking good - I like it!

I posted it in the NewsHawks, but I feel the neccessity to post it here again:

Sorry, guys:
What's this excitement all about?
Everything still is in place. All the signatures, avatars, PMs and all the other stuff!

Well: The buttons look different - so what?

It's our Outhouse after all!

I shared migrations and upgrades on other boards before, but I never ever experienced a board change as smooth as this one.

Thank you so much for your hard work, Ickie (and the other ones involved)! :applause:

Wasn't crazy about it at first, Ok if I'm honest, I didn't like it. But this morning, things are starting to look more like home. People hate change. I know I do. But I think this will end up being very familiar in the end. Keep up the great work Ickie!
Well, I can still log in; my old avatar is still there (had to re-sign for the .net part but that is OK), and I just discovered how to get to the FS2002/2004 discussion board. I can deal with this.
(Of course a couple of days ago as I was re-registering at I had a tinge of sadness thinking my old avatar would be lost forever--I don't have that screenshot anymore as it was from three or four computers ago, taken during my heady days in CFS2 with one of my first repaints dedicated to my daughter--PutPut's Lockheed Altair named 'Lady Lo'). Sorry about the rambling but I'm glad I still have my avatar.
Cheers to Ickie and team for the upgrade:ernae:(oh thank God I can still find that emoticon)
Rome wasn't built in a day, heck it took God 6 days, I work a little slower
whats that saying more haste less speed,
you do things at your pace
the last thing we want is you to get sick
then where the hill would we be
:guinness::icon29::guinness: to ya
how many times do I have to tell everyone, is a different website just like is a different website.
the Forums at are for the flight server to post flights, they are not the same as these forums.

Boo Hoo it took you 5 minutes to sign up, well it took me 80 hours to do the work along with my 2 teams.
You have to be blind to not see we have the same format and structure on these forums as the other forums, nothing was lost in the transformation, so whats with all the bitching going on.

because you are a member here does not guarantee you are a member there.

I setup the other server to host our large download section and take the load off from this server. As a bonus we made it a flight server/game server for your fun, not mine, and the forums so you can post your flights.

Now is this clear and understandable??
Wow! Not my intention to set off such a firestorm!

I guess my initial objection was to the sedate (wimpy?) visuals. Sudden change is usually disconcerting; that is likely the cause of the negatives in this thread. Putting myself in Ickie's shoes, "JUST DO IT. AIN'T GOT TIME FOR HAND-HOLDING." Totally understandable.

Anyhow, as someone else said, I'm adapting to the visuals.

- H52
I love the new look, and I want to say thank you to Ickie and anyone else who helped make it happen :salute:
Gotta say that the new format is like a restored warbird

She looks great with the new lick of paint and only a few suttle changes but deep down you know shes still got the old character still installed in her :salute:

Thanks to the outhouse crew :applause::applause:
