new suneffect


Charter Member
I was bored (like always) over the weekend and started play'n with the suneffect and sun texture.
well this is what I came up with.
if anyone's interested I'll upload it for testing.

here it is!
Emile, I'm using the effects in ETO but it can be used in any of the CFS3 addons.
might look good in MAW but I haven't tried it yet.
let me know what you think.

Jon very nice, is there anyway to add this along with stock effects then make these alternate randomly for more realism. Kind of like you did with muzzle effects so we now have more than one muzzle effect at the same time.
dancat , Men this is the best environmental effect in a long time TY, TY, TY, TY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With HouseHobbit new missions and your new sun effect you both have inspired me to make a new video!

thanks,glad to see people like it!
and to think I just accidentally made this..
Lewis, you can try adding two folders one with the stock sun effect and one with mine to the cfs3 main folder.
also change the name of my dds file to sun_new and change the name in the xml so it uses the correct texture.
I'll try to see if that works or not.
I think this little mod made my game look 10X better!
lens flare??
I made new textures and changed the suneffect xml to how I wanted them.
Slip, I haven't tried it in PTO because I don't have it.
no interest in the Pacific theater.
Hi Dancat,

Ik looks beautiful. Thanks to a pc-crash I can't test it right now.

If you want (and they want it) you can share it with the ETO-team to put it into the next release??

sorry to hear about the pc crash, been there before myself.
if the ETO team would like to use it they can.
anything to help make cfs3 better and keep it alive.

the pics look spectacular, thanks.....

are the two uploads meant as alternative installs or should they be combined somehow?
the second should be added to the first if you would like a different lens flare effect.
or just use the first to add just the new sun.
I'll upload a final when I'm finished messing around.