new suneffect

Thanks a bundle! I had by chance just added some different shaders and suneffect to ETO because I noticed it had the old 2002 files.

So I look forward to trying these! :icon29:
yes tried and excellent , one question the very odd time i get , a "g" force circle i call it ...very faint ... curious if i need ot adjust anything ,,,otherwise excellent



My congratulations for the excellent work! Now ETO sunset skies look a lot like my own town's.
In MAW, however, I couldn't obtain the same effects as in ETO. The sun was much bigger than usual, too irreal, but the flare effects were ok. So I returned to the conventional sized sun and kept the flare effects. Any ideas?

Thank you very much for this new effect!:applause:

How to install?

Everyone agrees these two new changes are excellent. I would like to put them both into my standard CFS3 and into ETO but I need help on how to do it. (Sorry to be slow as many others have installed w/o help). What files go where? Dancat mentioned something about 'combining' the files? Would appreciate a basic 'how to'.
try this.
it's all in one, with lens flare effect and the new sun.
the flare effect is a bit different than the last one.
What files go where? Dancat mentioned something about 'combining' the files? Would appreciate a basic 'how to'.

As far as I can tell, the readme Dancat included in his .zip is very self instructive (even to me!!!:isadizzy:). Basically the suneffect.xml goes into cfs3 root and into effects/weather folder. Never change anything without backuping first.

For the sunflare files you have also to add seven flare files, that come with the, into effects/weather folder (cfs3 has already 6 of those files and the 7th is a new one). There is a new suneffect.xml file to replace the one already mentioned. Of course you do not need to install the if you do not want it. Always do your backup first.

Well, I guess it is pretty much it.
I only wished I could do the same trick for MAW...
yea nonato it was directed at wichner.
the effect should work in MAW but I haven't tried it so don't know for sure.
MAW uses a similar idea but with a corona effect over the sun file to get the "glow" effect.
if the sun shows up HUGE it sounds like the dds. file didn't overwrite correctly.
the stock sun file is 128x128 and mine is 2048x2048
I'll give it a try and see if it works in my MAW install and get back to you.
