New to XP11.

Grayeagle if you decide to build a box make sure it has at least 4GB of VRAM. You will get a better result in FSW, X-Plane 11 and P3Dv4. Also the i5 is OK but i7 has more cores and is faster. You can use hyper-threading with i7. I have yet to see an i5 you could use hyper-threading on. You can fly just fine without Hyper-threading on but one day the 64bit flightsims will utilize it.

Again, I'll have to research OTS rigs vs home made. My son built my last two rigs - this one (current computer) he made with components available in 2011. Thanks for the hyper-threading info. :adoration:

You can always make better rigs yourself, than you can buy off the shelf.. Sadly for me, my old Phenom II 6 core cpu just didnt quite cut the mustard with xplane even though it rand p3dv4 and fax quite well, so i just upgraded to a Ryzen 5 1600 cpu with 16 gigs of ram and I've never experienced anything so smooth or so enjoyable as xplane. The ryzen 5 1600 is a lower end, less expensive and slower ryzen ( being only 3.2 ghz ) but its ability to run twelve threads across six cores is phenominal..