Got it! Just got back from a 20 min flight around KPDX. Logged 3 T/O - Landings. Have notice some suttle flight handling differences - I don't know, maybe it's just me. It doesn't seem to want to wander to port as much on take off and the roll left upon attaining flying speed doesn't seem as severe. Climb out seems to take a tad less power.

Outside sound seems to have a more refined "grumble".

She is gorgeous!

Thanks WBS for keeping us FS9ers on your list! :applause::applause::applause::applause:

That's a mighty fine looking model for sure. Beautiful craftsmanship. Beautiful period. I just like the way she stands so proud and ready to take on anything in it's path.

Although I won't be purchasing the FS2004 version, the FSX version is hopefully soon to come.

Fantastic job on both of them!!!
I fly both FS2004 and CFS2. Does anyone know if this model will convert to CFS2? I would be interested in buying the package if it does.

Very cool screenshot, WH! The 118 TRS markings were definitely some of the most striking of squadron markings during the war, and really compliment the Mustang's lines quite well.

Duckie, thank you very much, and I am glad to hear that you received the paintkit just fine!

Oleboy, I am not sure at what point these variants will make there way to FSX, but thank you very much for your post! Of course there is the 'big update' still underway for the original FSX release, and with that in place, then it would be the proper time to get these variants done for FSX.

MSFossey, I really wouldn't have a clue if these would port to CFS2, and Warbirdsim really isn't capable of testing/supporting that. I wouldn't want you buying the product just for that reason, if you didn't know that it worked ahead of time, too.
Piucked mine up the day it was announced and also finally got my paint kit! This plane is awesome.

Are there any plans to add any details such as chocks and maybe seatbelts to the shut down aircraft? Also, what about a modernized pilot and possibly cockpits?

great plane!
I'm finding the new Mustangs to handle a lot better than the originals. More control on takeoffs, landings and during taxiing.

Bomber, are their any plans to patch the original Mustangs with the same flight dynamics and handling of the new ones?? :jump:

"SlamBam", thank you very much, and I am glad to hear that you got the paint kit just fine. Right now the day-to-day focus is on Warbirdsim's P-51D for FSX, so any possible additions as you mention, if they are to be done, would have to be put off until the current commitments have been dealt with. I can tell you, that the work going into Warbirdsim's FSX P-51D, will make it very easy to add some of those items into the FS9 B/C's, as you mention.

WH, that I am not aware of. I'll make sure to ask Albert and see what his plans are - he being the one responsible for the flight dynamics and sound work, amongst many other duties.
And a few more:





Where can I download the paints?
Those textures were all included in the 'new' dorsal fin/df loop/bomb version pack this thread is about.

If you purchased this pack you have these, if not, you don't.