New web site for FORD TRI-MOTOR

Donation drives

SOH Bandwidth Drive 2025

This donation drive ends in
AI for India - India National Airways & TATA


Garry has completed two AI liveries for India. Check them out and enjoy. Take care.
AI pack for INDIA complete with five airlines or companies

OK, Garry (SUPERMAN) Smith has completed the AI Bonus pack for INDIA - five airlines - a total of 38 repaints. He also made a single large zip for downloading the entire India AI pack once. You can do it by each or all in one, your choice. Thanks Garry! Take care. Enjoy. Click on signature block for site link.
AI Pack for JAPAN - The Japan Air Transport Co. Ltd. - 18 repaint

Garry, has been ripping them up like mad - he finished 18 liveries for the Japan Air Transport Co. Ltd circa 1929-30. Enjoy!
A small rest for Garry during Christmas!!

Yes, Virginia, Garry gets some time off from the AI project in order to enjoy his Christmas time break!

There will be a vacation for Garry until Jan 2, 2012 - he has worked very hard this year, and Santa
has given Garry time off for all his good works this past year.
Do hope everone finds a livery for their use and fun. Take care and all have a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year - or in P.C. speak, HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all!

Project Status as it goes into it's Christmas Break.

Hi Good People,

Just a quick update on where the project is at the moment:

360 Principle Texture Sets completed this year and are available for download.

134 AI liveries completed and available for download.

By some remarkable coincidence 134 AI liveries still in the pot for repainting.

Edward has plans for adding USA and South America AI liveries in the new year.

New, independent web site created and now hosting all of the project -

After 496 repaints of the Ford Tri-Motor, and the massive artwork burst for the new Ford web site this year my assistant and I are going to have a quiet break from Repainting (with the grace of Edward)

As you can see from the picture below, my assistant is pretty exhausted after a hard year.

View attachment 54095

You can help the project along by clicking on the Vote Buttons scattered throughout the Ford web site - and/or spending a few moments spreading the word to others via other forums or mail to friends. This is a totally FREE download project and Edward and I welcome any sort of assistance in spreading the word about the Site and the FREE stuff available for the Simming Community.

Regards, Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to all and of course happy simming

PS If I get a little bored over the break I might slip in the NORDIC suite of AI liveries - I am sure my assistant will not complain too much.
I do not wish to sound ungrateful for your work, but on lithuanian ai trimotors there are few problems first of all on insignia there are two small crosses, instead there should be single duble cross and registration numbers on civilian planes were simple like LY-LAM (perhaps it should look like this). But after all whining i want to say huge thanks for this collosal project.
Thanks for spotting this - good catch!

Thank you for your input.

No Sir, good honest questions. As best I read it - the single double cross is the Lithuanian Air Force Roundel. Not sure about the registration number question on this as we kept it simple with just the
LY-LAM at top of cabin door and on top of rudder. I am a little confused about two small crosses on what insignia? Where abouts on the aircraft?

Note: The Lockheed Vega flown from NYC, NY to Lithuania was shotdown over Germany, perhaps the Germans were confused by the Military Roundel? Or just plain mean spirited snots!

Thanks for the picture, very nice. A review of registrations in Lithuania reveals no civilian airlines in operation (20's & 30's), so for our friends thru out the Baltic regions to have some period aircraft to fly - Air Lithuania (total fiction) was done. Thank you for your input and if you find any other pictures of Civilian Lithuanian aircraft (20's & 30's) please send me a copy, always looking for ways to improve our liveries for our friends in the Flight Sim community. Take care.

Thanks for answer,
I am a little confused about two small crosses on what insignia? Where abouts on the aircraft?
oops my bad i just opened site with firefox and everything was a bit distorted and instead of lithuanian ford i downloaded danzig one :blind:, anyway i opened it on IE and everythig is as it should be sorry again. Now i will a bit whine again :icon_lol:, the trimotor looks like lithuanian 737 from early nineties, here's photo of Lithuanian airlines Percival Q6 and here is link to gallery (it translates with google translator quite well). Vega was used to recreate transatlantic flight in 1935, original flight was with modified Bellanca Pacemaker, and version of plane being shot by germans is just one of theories (most probably cause was fatigue, lack of instruments and bad weather).
More like a 1965 Galaxie!
An epic project indeed.

geez you could fit a house in one'a them things :icon_lol:

great work Ed, and Garry... hope my info i gave you yesterday is handy Ed, i have the colour values for one of the airlines if ever you need it :salute:
Matt - could always use the color values!

Yep - Matt, would be a great help. After 2 Jan, Garry will resume the struggle - more Fords! Looking like the HEEE (GREEK symbol) will have some AI friends. Again, Matt, Thanks!
Take care and have a Happy Holiday season.

Yep - Matt, would be a great help. After 2 Jan, Garry will resume the struggle - more Fords! Looking like the HEEE (GREEK symbol) will have some AI friends. Again, Matt, Thanks!
Take care and have a Happy Holiday season.


Looking forwards to it, will compile what i have over the christmas period for you :salute: