Next in line...Messerschmitt Bf109 C/D model for Fs9/CFS2

Hi Elmar,
Thanks for the comments, and I'm glad you're enjoying it, but please remember that the original IL-2 model were built by the guys at SAS, so a big thanks to them.

And a good team effort to bring it, along with the ops manual and texs to Fs9.


The original......


And the repaint (still work in progress).........


According to the text with the photograph this should be an aircraft from 10.(N)JG26, but the small owl is clearly the marking of 10.(N)JG2. The picture is most likely taken at Jever, spring 1940.

You really are a 109-spotter aren't you!! ha ha!

Nice tex, and still surprised that C/D's were still being used in 1940.


You really are a 109-spotter aren't you!! ha ha!

Nice tex, and still surprised that C/D's were still being used in 1940.



The square winged Bf109s have always been my favourites :encouragement:.

This unit was flying the Bf109 D as a nightfighter until the end of June 1940. The Bf109 D stayed in used much longer in training unit of course.

Personally I find remarkable is that nearly all units which flew the Bf109 D still mid-1940 were converted to the twin engined Bf110 and not to the Bf109 E......

Not a great fan of 109's, but since building them, the early versions have grown on me.

What I'm pleased is that in comparing the two pics, we got it pretty close in the details to the real thing. (spotted an anti-chatter strut on the tail wheel of the real one which shouldn't be there!! ha ha)

Also really pleased that the texs and the models come together so well.


Although already available in the original download, I created this one, as I thought the sharkmouth was a bit too small at the included one. The teeth from the original aircraft matched the locations of the exhausts, so I adjusted the teeth from this repaint to match the exhaust pipes of the model.


The "running-nose raven", was originally the marking of 2./JG71 "Chamberlain-Staffel", but became the marking of II./JG51 Mölders when the group was renamed.


JagdGruppe 102 was active during the invasion of Poland. Hauptmann Johannes Gentzen, who was leading this group, was the first German Luftwaffe Ace of WWII. This colourful aircraft was painted after the box-art work from the Sword Bf109 D kit.


After their successful campaign against Poland J.Gr.102 was moved to the border with France. On 6 November the unit lost 4 aircraft, when they encountered some Curtiss P-36 (H-75) Hawks from GC 11/5. Most other aircraft from J.Gr.102 could barely escape, badly damaged. It was showed the Bf109 D was obsolete. J.Gr.102 was withdrawn from the frontline, equipped with Bf110 fighters and became ZG2.

After the Bf109 D was withdrawn as front line fighter the aircraft remained active as nightfighter. Originally most Jagdgeschwader had one or more Staffel(n) which was specialised in night operations. Jagdgeschwader 2 Richthofen has a complete Group (IV(N)JG2) with 3 Staffeln (squadron) which flew night operations. They mainly flew the Bf109 D and were active over Northern Germany, Denmark and Norway.


The history goes on as after their role as nightfighter was over they were used as trainers and for familiarisation flight.

Hi Huub,
Nice one! :applause:

That does look more accurate.....although I think you may have missed a couple of rivets.....;)..he he.

(And just noticed that the aileron tabs aren't red on yellow 5?)

Shame this Swiss shark mouth wasn't on the C/D models, but only on the E models..


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those repaints look absolutely stunning. White 3 looks particularly beautiful. Looking forward to adding them to the hangar.

Many thanks,
CFS2 model progress?

I was wondering when the cfs2 model of this fantastisch... erm, fantastic plane will be released? I do love the BF109B for cfs2, btw.
Hi BvsA,
Yes, sorry, got new shiney

Must do that..promise.


Great work Shessi and great repaints Huub. Is there a layered paint kit available for these?

Hi Cazz,

Yes there is! There is a layered file done by the guys from SAS. Its quite nice and I used it as the base for my personal paintkit. You could get my personal Paintkit, but its such a mess that don't think it will be of any use for you. More that half the layers don't have a name (beside "layer .."). A part has names in my own personal slang....., a part has Dutch names and some have a understandable English name like "thingie" or "rumble"........

I'm currently at work, and I'm pretty busy in private life. But I will try to send you the SAS kit later today/this week.

EDIT: Cazz, When you still use the same e-mail address, you should have received mail.

Hi Cazz,

Yes there is! There is a layered file done by the guys from SAS. Its quite nice and I used it as the base for my personal paintkit. You could get my personal Paintkit, but its such a mess that don't think it will be of any use for you. More that half the layers don't have a name (beside "layer .."). A part has names in my own personal slang....., a part has Dutch names and some have a understandable English name like "thingie" or "rumble"........

I'm currently at work, and I'm pretty busy in private life. But I will try to send you the SAS kit later today/this week.

EDIT: Cazz, When you still use the same e-mail address, you should have received mail.


Many thanks Huub, it's in the bin for FS9 and FSX Repaint Folder. And a Merry Christmas to each and every one of you.

They are finally there!

It took me some time to get my RLM70/71/65 scheme right, but they y are finally available in the library



More Marvellous Messerschmitts

These are great re-paints for a much neglected period of the Bf-109's history. Thanks for your outstanding treatment of thes 'D' models. I particularly admire the manner in which the semi-matt paintwork also gives a very clear metallic feel to the overall finish. Your version of the 'Shark mouth' works very well.

'Papi's' panels are the icing on the cake for all of my 'D' and 'E' models. Being an 'eye-candy' addict, I also always enable start-up and engine smoke, plus exhaust effects when engine fires up and runs. The model already has the leading edge moving slotted flaps which add to the overall effects when observing landings. If anyone wants the settings and type of effects I utilised they can contact me direct.

Thanks again to all who created, painted and panelled this little gem. Happy Christmas to all (if any) readers.
