No X-Plane Library at SOH?


I tried to upload the paint here, but there was no choice for a library for X-Plane uploads. I did upload it over at
I think so. We've got an X-Plane forum here. I tried to upload a skin last night (Rosie the Rocketer for A-Pilot's J3 Cub). Seems to be a growing user base. Granted, I can go to (which has a horrible way of storing files, it's so hard to search their database because it's forum based, so there's messages all mixed in that overwhelm the downloadable objects), and there's Avsim and and Simviation, sure. But I like hanging out here. The crowd here suits me :)

Good evening,

So, how does this need to be set up? What sections will you require?

(Aircraft, Scenery, Gauges, repaints, etc.)

Please sketch out the requirements in this thread and I will make them happen by Saturday,
What would the X-Plane Upload section Look Like?

Good evening,

So, how does this need to be set up? What sections will you require?

(Aircraft, Scenery, Gauges, repaints, etc.)

Please sketch out the requirements in this thread and I will make them happen by Saturday,

Hi Rami,

Well, thank you. I'll put it out to the community two add their ideas, but, personally, for me, mostly what I would post would be, in the language of X-Plane liveries or repaints. But, I imagine, given the skills I've seen in this group, that people would also upload scenery and aircraft and aircraft components (Like weapons and other objects) to start with, traffic and possibly LUA scripts. I'll probably be creating scenery myself, as well, using tools like WED and some other tool seems to be common, kind of like ADE is for MSFS.

I hope you're doing well!
Hi Rami.
There are only three major sections we need: Aircraft, Liveries, and scenery. You can create sub sections as needed, but those hree are the most important. Liveries will be the busiest as they are with every sim. Aircraft will be thw next busiest, aand scenery will bring up the rear. Gauges are ( in general ) not a thing.
I was thinking about asking for an X-Plane library myself.

it would be a great idea to have a library here. The .org search engine, as pointed out, is not easy to use as all those messages are intertwined. I’ve been a member of SOH for years and this is the best FS sim site on the internet and since XP-11 has kinda like exploded, we need to keep up with the times. I am sure the screenshot section has attracted at least a few people to XP.

I agree with aircraft, scenery and repaint categories but may I suggest a category for the numerous libraries that are needed for sceneries.
To be honest, I don't see much need for an extensive library here unless people actively upload new add-ons to it.

The good thing about X-Plane is that most content is posted on, even if only as links to external resources (e.g. Google Drive), which facilitates version control for the author.
Who said it needs to be extensive??? But the bottom line is that, people are getting sick of the org. Devs are moving off on their own, users are refusing to purchasse the products sold there, and over all, they have driven themselves into a disheveled ne'r be missed state. Really, go ask about textures on any plane in the general forum. You will receive a WARNING. A Bloody warning, for posting in the wrong forum. The org is difficult to use. It's hostile towards the very people it pretends to serve, and hostile against the very developers that have made it what it was.

We dont need a large repository, but we need a repository. We're frikkin SOH for gods sake. We're one of the ONLY sites on the web that ever gave a darn about the people that come here and their involvement in the simming hobby. We've been a nexus for developers and users alike to meet, discuss, share and enjoy what we do and a major part of that has been user creations like "liveries" including work done by yourself i believe. Remember Jay Kay: Bill Ortis: Francois Dumas: A2A: Crazy Colin?? They arent here any more. The world has changed, and we have to change with it, or die. A repository is one way to do that. It gives users and developers alike, a means to extend their personal influence on the hobby and enjow creating and sharing their work with the world, in a way that doesn't demand they negotiate a deal with a bunch of *******s that dont give a damn.

Yeah, ok, thsere's only maybe twenty of us that are vociferous and involved with the day to day here in X-Plane. Hell, At one point, Soh had fewer than that in total. X-Plane is growing in popularity right along side P3D, and the two are defining the future of flight simming. To ignore user creations and content in one, is akin to cutting off our own leg and walking off a cliff, blindfolded. We must change, and we must grow, and we must adopt to the new geography of the simming community to meet the specific needs of those who now populate it.

Make it small, Make it humble, but by all means, make it fun. SOH didnt become king of the hill by being king of the hill. It became that through having and open door, beer in the box, and a welcoming sharing tone between all its denizens. To turn our backs on that basic foundation right now by excluding X-Plane from its fair place with the other sim's ( we currently sit below train sim ) is a betrayal of that very foundation.

I would submit an example of one of those developers who no longer use the org or its store. Rotate ( )! You wont find very much at all on their new MD-11 on the org, but check out their web site. Same goes for JarDesigns ( ). You wont find anything on their A340-500 on the org, but again, check their site. These guys have left the org, but not the sim, and we as an organization are in a position to offer them and their followers/customers an opportunity for growing their business as well as growing an ever increasingly enthusiastic community. FSX will some day, go away, leaving P3D and X-Plane as the inheritors of the torch. We need to keep doing what we do best and not be exclusive to anyone. That's how Ickie would want it, and thats how I believe it should continue.


Thanks for the Shakespearean soliloquy. :costumed-smiley-034 I will get on it in the next couple of days based on the suggestions in this thread. :encouragement:

Hey guys,

Done. If you think of any more categories you need, either send me a PM or continue posting to this thread.
Thank you to FlyingsCool, Rami and Pam for spruiking, supporting and implementing this so quickly. Hope that an XP library here at SoH will energise forum activity a bit more.
Pam, so glad to see you getting back to normal. The Shakespearean soliloquy was great. I fly X plane too, so thanks.
SOH has always been a home for refuse-ay creatives. I believe that's how it got the handle in the first place.
A library would seem to support that.

Now if we could figure out how to get Jan to develop the Convair for shucks.

Thanks for the Shakespearean soliloquy. :costumed-smiley-034 I will get on it in the next couple of days based on the suggestions in this thread. :encouragement:

:ROFLMAO: Rami! You have GOT to be the most awesome person I have unfortunately never had the honor to meet. You rock dude. Thank you :)
Pam, so glad to see you getting back to normal. The Shakespearean soliloquy was great. I fly X plane too, so thanks.

:encouragement: Workin on it :)..

heh my favorite show.. :)

SOH has always been a home for refuse-ay creatives. I believe that's how it got the handle in the first place.
A library would seem to support that.

Now if we could figure out how to get Jan to develop the Convair for shucks.

:LOL:: Ya know, thats a very good possibility. I've always been an extreme and incurable romantic with a penchant for grandstanding but I'd like to think that I also see the realities and possibilities and not just the flowers along the way. Of course, flowers are pretty darn nice too ;)
Who said it needs to be extensive??? But the bottom line is that, people are getting sick of the org. Devs are moving off on their own, users are refusing to purchasse the products sold there, and over all, they have driven themselves into a disheveled ne'r be missed state. Really, go ask about textures on any plane in the general forum. You will receive a WARNING. A Bloody warning, for posting in the wrong forum. The org is difficult to use. It's hostile towards the very people it pretends to serve, and hostile against the very developers that have made it what it was.

We dont need a large repository, but we need a repository. We're frikkin SOH for gods sake. We're one of the ONLY sites on the web that ever gave a darn about the people that come here and their involvement in the simming hobby. We've been a nexus for developers and users alike to meet, discuss, share and enjoy what we do and a major part of that has been user creations like "liveries" including work done by yourself i believe. Remember Jay Kay: Bill Ortis: Francois Dumas: A2A: Crazy Colin?? They arent here any more. The world has changed, and we have to change with it, or die. A repository is one way to do that. It gives users and developers alike, a means to extend their personal influence on the hobby and enjow creating and sharing their work with the world, in a way that doesn't demand they negotiate a deal with a bunch of *******s that dont give a damn.

Yeah, ok, thsere's only maybe twenty of us that are vociferous and involved with the day to day here in X-Plane. Hell, At one point, Soh had fewer than that in total. X-Plane is growing in popularity right along side P3D, and the two are defining the future of flight simming. To ignore user creations and content in one, is akin to cutting off our own leg and walking off a cliff, blindfolded. We must change, and we must grow, and we must adopt to the new geography of the simming community to meet the specific needs of those who now populate it.

Make it small, Make it humble, but by all means, make it fun. SOH didnt become king of the hill by being king of the hill. It became that through having and open door, beer in the box, and a welcoming sharing tone between all its denizens. To turn our backs on that basic foundation right now by excluding X-Plane from its fair place with the other sim's ( we currently sit below train sim ) is a betrayal of that very foundation.

I would submit an example of one of those developers who no longer use the org or its store. Rotate ( )! You wont find very much at all on their new MD-11 on the org, but check out their web site. Same goes for JarDesigns ( ). You wont find anything on their A340-500 on the org, but again, check their site. These guys have left the org, but not the sim, and we as an organization are in a position to offer them and their followers/customers an opportunity for growing their business as well as growing an ever increasingly enthusiastic community. FSX will some day, go away, leaving P3D and X-Plane as the inheritors of the torch. We need to keep doing what we do best and not be exclusive to anyone. That's how Ickie would want it, and thats how I believe it should continue.

Hear, Hear!

(although, I would note that there are still users of FS98 and FS2002 out there :icon_eek: and people still developing for them)(But I agree that P3D and X-Plane are the now and future)(And, yes, this was the first place I came to share my repaint :) )