No X-Plane Library at SOH?

Hear, Hear!

(although, I would note that there are still users of FS98 and FS2002 out there :icon_eek: and people still developing for them)(But I agree that P3D and X-Plane are the now and future)(And, yes, this was the first place I came to share my repaint :) )
I've got a few to upload myself as soon as i get some rest and deal with this dry eye. Nothing elaborate mind you, but hopefully, tasteful..
Thank you for the library.

just as an example, has really stepped up their x-plane coverage and more and more files are being uploaded to the x-plane library.

We we need to broadcast the SOH is much more than a Microsoft sim web site and start attracting developers here.
Thank you for the library.

We we need to broadcast the SOH is much more than a Microsoft sim web site and start attracting developers here.

I'm not certain How much of that statement is true at this moment. If I were coming here for the first time, it would be quite easy for me to assume that this is an MSFS centric site, and in truth, it's actually always been a CFS centered site ( chuckles ). It could be said, that before PVP was popular, we supported PVP.
The gist of it is that we started as one thing, and as other things became popular, we added them. Weve always reacted to user needs and wishees. We've never purposely nor aggressively pursued a specific direction. However, we can now observe these other organizations ( flightsim, simviation, etc ) and surprisingly they are in the same boat even though they're coming from a purpose driven aggressive position. In other words, they dont ave any better of an idea how to adjust to the changing landscape than we do. What they do have, is a very colorful and informative front end, while having perhaps not the most comfortable back end ( forums ) . We have, One HELL of a back end. I cant think of a group of people I'd rather be with more than you folks here, but we're a forum, and not an advertisement for all these other places. Our strength lies in the dissemination of information via word of mouth. It's very easy to respond to an announcement somewhere with a ":Thanks. I'll let my friends at SOH know" , and wait for them to get curious, but the burden of waiting, is on us. We have to nurture the future carefully.
I'm not certain How much of that statement is true at this moment. If I were coming here for the first time, it would be quite easy for me to assume that this is an MSFS centric site, and in truth, it's actually always been a CFS centered site ( chuckles ). It could be said, that before PVP was popular, we supported PVP.
The gist of it is that we started as one thing, and as other things became popular, we added them. Weve always reacted to user needs and wishees. We've never purposely nor aggressively pursued a specific direction. However, we can now observe these other organizations ( flightsim, simviation, etc ) and surprisingly they are in the same boat even though they're coming from a purpose driven aggressive position. In other words, they dont ave any better of an idea how to adjust to the changing landscape than we do. What they do have, is a very colorful and informative front end, while having perhaps not the most comfortable back end ( forums ) . We have, One HELL of a back end. I cant think of a group of people I'd rather be with more than you folks here, but we're a forum, and not an advertisement for all these other places. Our strength lies in the dissemination of information via word of mouth. It's very easy to respond to an announcement somewhere with a ":Thanks. I'll let my friends at SOH know" , and wait for them to get curious, but the burden of waiting, is on us. We have to nurture the future carefully.


That's why I came here first to share. I really like hanging out here; I like the format, the search tools work, excellent library of files, excellent people, excellent forums; a little bit of everything. Plus, I assumed there was an X-Plane library because this forum was relatively active. And now there is :)

I don't see why we would need to attract more people here? Not saying we can't or shouldn't, just I guess I'm of the mind, "If you build it, they will come".

Not to mention Rami does a great job as librarian :) Happy Birthday Rami, hope you're doing well :)

As the title of the site says... the Sim-Outhouse... Everything sim related.... Who wouldn't want to hang out here :biggrin-new:
I agree somewhat. I log on daily for news and views in FSX, P3D, and X-plane forums. It used to be that there were 1-2 pages of responses each day. Now there are only maybe a half page and sometimes only one or two. It may be that the interest in flight simming has decreased, especally over the last year or so. I believe the more visitors we get the better it is and I have no problem broadcasting this special place on other sites.

This has been always my number one spot to go to in the morning and will continue to be.
I agree somewhat. I log on daily for news and views in FSX, P3D, and X-plane forums. It used to be that there were 1-2 pages of responses each day. Now there are only maybe a half page and sometimes only one or two. It may be because the interest in flight simming has decreased, especally over the last year or so. I believe the more visitors we get the better it is and I have no problem broadcasting this special place on other sites.

This has been always my number one spot to go to in the morning and will continue to be.
It's not really that Flight Simming has become less popular. The landscape has changed and the old guard is on the way out. Milton will be retiring, I've retired, Berndt hasnt been here for a while, Delta558 is working for Just Flight as one of their flight model dudes: it's just the natural procession of life and your seeing the half time show. Also! That landscape has expanded. American Truck Sim, Euro Truck Sim, Farm Sim, Bus Sim Rail Sim, and a plethora of others have all become popular and allow the casual simmer more diversity in experience. They are actually pretty decent sims, even though in my opinion, theyre little more than arcade games. Flight sim will gain a new population and grow in ways hitherto unforeseen and imagined.Content providers like Q8Pilot and Jeff Favignano will provide the common sense to get people away from the "My sims better than your sim" mentality and flight simming along side others, will grow again. Why, we're looking at a massive community ripe for thatgrowth already. The X-Plane community has been embattled since day one. The dark side, That other sim, They with their noses in the air: tons of platitudes in both directions, slowly driving a wedge between us all.. Dont worry, those divisions will all mostly disappear. Welllll, ok, there IS a bit of a penchant for the truck simmers to get a little redneck-y but for the most part, theyre a good group of folks ( with less than stellar vocabulary ), but mostly, things will get better again; just in new directions.. It'll be ok..
Who said it needs to be extensive??? But the bottom line is that, people are getting sick of the org. Devs are moving off on their own, users are refusing to purchasse the products sold there, and over all, they have driven themselves into a disheveled ne'r be missed state. Really, go ask about textures on any plane in the general forum. You will receive a WARNING. A Bloody warning, for posting in the wrong forum. The org is difficult to use. It's hostile towards the very people it pretends to serve, and hostile against the very developers that have made it what it was.

We dont need a large repository, but we need a repository. We're frikkin SOH for gods sake. We're one of the ONLY sites on the web that ever gave a darn about the people that come here and their involvement in the simming hobby. We've been a nexus for developers and users alike to meet, discuss, share and enjoy what we do and a major part of that has been user creations like "liveries" including work done by yourself i believe. Remember Jay Kay: Bill Ortis: Francois Dumas: A2A: Crazy Colin?? They arent here any more. The world has changed, and we have to change with it, or die. A repository is one way to do that. It gives users and developers alike, a means to extend their personal influence on the hobby and enjow creating and sharing their work with the world, in a way that doesn't demand they negotiate a deal with a bunch of *******s that dont give a damn.

Yeah, ok, thsere's only maybe twenty of us that are vociferous and involved with the day to day here in X-Plane. Hell, At one point, Soh had fewer than that in total. X-Plane is growing in popularity right along side P3D, and the two are defining the future of flight simming. To ignore user creations and content in one, is akin to cutting off our own leg and walking off a cliff, blindfolded. We must change, and we must grow, and we must adopt to the new geography of the simming community to meet the specific needs of those who now populate it.

Make it small, Make it humble, but by all means, make it fun. SOH didnt become king of the hill by being king of the hill. It became that through having and open door, beer in the box, and a welcoming sharing tone between all its denizens. To turn our backs on that basic foundation right now by excluding X-Plane from its fair place with the other sim's ( we currently sit below train sim ) is a betrayal of that very foundation.

I would submit an example of one of those developers who no longer use the org or its store. Rotate ( )! You wont find very much at all on their new MD-11 on the org, but check out their web site. Same goes for JarDesigns ( ). You wont find anything on their A340-500 on the org, but again, check their site. These guys have left the org, but not the sim, and we as an organization are in a position to offer them and their followers/customers an opportunity for growing their business as well as growing an ever increasingly enthusiastic community. FSX will some day, go away, leaving P3D and X-Plane as the inheritors of the torch. We need to keep doing what we do best and not be exclusive to anyone. That's how Ickie would want it, and thats how I believe it should continue.

Yes, I am indeed guilty of uploading stuff to the MSFS related parts of the SOH library and I'd contribute to an X-Plane category as long as I've got something that I can consider finished enough (otherwise GDrive and Xorg will have to do). :engel016:

If you've got work that can be used to give the XP library here some initial mass, upload it by all means. Maybe, after a while, the offered add-ons are numeruous enough to warrant the subdivision level attained by the MSFS, P3D or CFS categories.

Now if we could figure out how to get Jan to develop the Convair for shucks.

As posted in his thread (or the other one), I'd try an XP conversion (available time permitting of course).
Yes, I am indeed guilty of uploading stuff to the MSFS related parts of the SOH library and I'd contribute to an X-Plane category as long as I've got something that I can consider finished enough (otherwise GDrive and Xorg will have to do). :engel016:

If you've got work that can be used to give the XP library here some initial mass, upload it by all means. Maybe, after a while, the offered add-ons are numeruous enough to warrant the subdivision level attained by the MSFS, P3D or CFS categories.

As posted in his thread (or the other one), I'd try an XP conversion (available time permitting of course).

I dont know if anything I do is worthy enough or not to be counted as a skin or scenery. I'm not Jankees or TuFun or you or Roger-Wilco, and I certainly dont have even a shadow of the talent many of you have. But thats not important right now. What I do, is always my best, and if other people like or dont like it, so what? I did my very best, and right now, what we need is contributors to the library, you among them, and have something to offer the community. I have KBDN ( Bend Muni ), 6K5 ( Sisters Eagle Air ) and Sun River resort that I can upload. I also have TWA liveries for the FF777, SSG E-170 neo, X737-BBJ and BBJ2, Mike Wilson 707-420, and the FJS 737-200 Twinjet pro. Some are fictional, some are to spec. I'm currently battling a case of what i believe is Dry Eye though as its putting a major ( and painful ) damper on everything. Oh yeah, I've also got the Time Team fictional Livery for the Avroliner Projects RJ-100. As soon as I can get a leg up on this bloody eyeball, I'll be uploading.. Rest assured.. Hopefully, my betters will also upload and we can move forward..
Thanks Pam...have a friend that a doctor told her that she had six fibroids on her thyroid and to have it checked out. They did a needle biopsy of each and it turned out negative for cancer but they want her to check back in six months. Now back home and tired of the rat thing I noticed-hospital care sucks in some hospitals!