Noorduyn Norseman in Buffalo colours


Well .. what do we have here ?

A great model .. a great repaint .. a great panel and great sounds :jump: :applause:






I have tweaked the stock waterloop and xwaterloop sounds to make them louder. If any one would be interested in them, I can upload them to the library....after I do laundry and make tater salad for tomorrow's cook out.


Did you make your own propblur for the Norseman? Looks nice in your vids.
I'm using the B24 3 blade prop by Bananabob and it looks pretty good. Also added in to each texture, prop_anim_ratio=1.025

Load 'em up! (louder waterloop sounds). Nothing like a good set of mix n match sounds.

For the Gurus:
I've tried every contact combo I can think of, but cannot get the Norseman Floats to backup with Shift+P.
All my other floatplanes pushback just fine. I use it to simulate a "push off" from shore and sometimes to do fine adjustments at dock parking.
Any clues?

EDIT: Nevermind on the float contact points and pushback. I'm a dork....was comparing straight floats to amphibs. Obviously it takes wheel contact points to get pushback to activate. I think I might try hiding some invisible wheels in the floats so I can use the push off from shore feature.

This gave me a good laugh:

Last edited by dogknot; 8 Minutes Ago at 15:37. Reason: dork

I hadn't thought about the push back on floats....adding invisible tiny wheels up inside the floats would do the trick for sure.


Oh....I just uploaded a sound pack for the Lycoming R-680....I included the tweaked waterloop and xwaterloop sound files in that package.
Anyone that would like to try out my adjusted Norseman Floats contacts section....including the hidden/fake wheels... here they are. The pushback feature works great with those hidden wheels. Also can crank enough horsepower with the "fake" wheels to get 'er moving on snow and grass.

Thanks for the contact points for the float Norseman...will come in handy the next time I pull up to the bank of a Canadian River to do some fly fishing.


Thanks for the contact points for the float Norseman...will come in handy the next time I pull up to the bank of a Canadian River to do some fly fishing.


Bank, shoreline, ah heck just land her and sit on the float and cast your line. Nothing beats fishing with a relaxing wave action.

Did you make your own propblur for the Norseman? Looks nice in your vids.
I'm using the B24 3 blade prop by Bananabob and it looks pretty good. Also added in to each texture, prop_anim_ratio=1.025
No .. just a copy past from a other plane .. A BF109-G in fact :) he he ... (Bf 109 MAC D-FWME)

I put the texture in attachement (remove the ZIP extension)

The animation is:
Out of curiousness how many have the proper mesh FS Genesis Canada North for Yellowknife area and above the 60th? I have it and find its the only mesh so far that accurate depicts yellowknife and its lakes. Im thinkin its time to give this ac its environment back, the Water Aerodome based of the mesh.
I use Rhumbaflappy's free LOD 5 and 7 world mesh, and all the lakes up in the Yellowknife area are elevated between 50 and 200 feet. Rivers too in some cases. Not a big deal to me since my planes are in the air most of the time.

You guys have really polished Brian's already beautiful Norseman ... Thanks Markus & Tim for your enhancements! Mike :applause:
Speekin of polish....wate unteel I put sum armerall on the pontunes and reely make dem shine.

Yep...need to run the MDL through a couple of tweaker programs and add reflective texturing to the plane...then it will be WOW! Well, it's already WOW, so I will just be adding the ! at the end.

I took the Norseman float into ACM and did some tweaking to the payloads settings. And I quickly found that you do not want to fly this plane with a 180 pound pilot, a 180 pound co-pilot, their 150 pound wives, 1250 pounds of gear and a full load of full. Sure, that is below the max gross weight of the plane...but man does it stall easily with that much weight on board.

Hi - thought I'd add this question to this thread rather than start a new one:

Can anyone suggest a Left/Right 2D panel/cockpit view set that would compliment Markus' fabulous new 2D panel setup. Even something inaccurate and fairly generic but that adds to that feeling of 'being there' in the 2D cockpit view would suit me. Any suggestions would be welcome - there don't seem to be many such views available as addons.

Cheers, A.
It's a very nice bird and for it I changed the gauges with others more "vintage"... I "adjusted" the VC too.
Speekin of polish....wate unteel I put sum armerall on the pontunes and reely make dem shine.

Yep...need to run the MDL through a couple of tweaker programs and add reflective texturing to the plane...then it will be WOW! Well, it's already WOW, so I will just be adding the ! at the end.


Not too shiny... after a lot of years around bush planes I've never seen polished ones. `Gloss` paint maybe, but the 'aluminum` ones tend to be dirty, oxidized or painted alum. In fact the spec. paint from KenmoreAire (who own the rights to EDO) says:

`Float Paint: Dull Aluminum Lacquer by Tempo. Matches factory float color. Can be applied to all interior and exterior aluminum and steel surfaces, including landing gear, wheels and inside door hatches.

Glad to see you all having a ball with this one!

Thanks to claudius for the prop blur and Brent for the 'pushback barge' - both work great!

My panel bitmap was intended as an invitation for further customizing, that's why I kept the gauges from the original release and left the dashboard simple grey, so there'll be no ugly holes to fill if other gauges are used.
Your vintage gauges look great in it, owners of the Aerosoft Beaver may feel the need to add some other instruments...
