O/T Windows 7 Professional

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Stefan's Procedure Worked Great!

Even if you do completely turn off UAC installing in the default location is still a bad idea under W7. Especially if you plan on using WideFS or similar external programs with FS.
Even changing cfg files is still occasionally a pain in the rear when installed in that location.

As for simply copying and pasting I would suggest this procedure

1. Install a fresh copy with the options you normally use. Full, partial etc in a drive location of your choice. For example C:\FS2004 then start this new installation once all the way to a flight on the runway. Then shut down.
2. Rename that folder to C:\FS2004temp
3. Copy your old FS folder complete onto the C drive...
4. Rename that original folder to C:\FS2004

That should do the trick.


Thanks, Stefan! I used your procedure to get FS9 working on my new computer with Windows 7 Home Premium. It worked great! Can't believe how good scenery and refresh rate look. Planes fly great.

Now if I could just figure out how to get a custom size window so the proportions of guages, etc. look a little more normal... It's like FS9 was just not meant for wide screen monitors. :kilroy:
Glad that you are enjoying the fruits of your labour.

As for the window, if you like the way things look in windowed mode, some claim it looks better in Full Screen, then you should be able to resize as you like and then simply exit FS via the menu and it should return to the last used size on the next restart.

Most of my favorites work just fine in windowed mode, but using the full width of the monitor. I never did see much difference visually between windowed and full screen and at least on my PC frame rates are better in windowed mode. But others have different results there.

But others have different results there.
Quite so. For instance, I don't get any filtering or antialiasing in windowed mode. Don't know why, but the special graphics stuff that I have the card for isn't enabled in windowed mode... So do what works for you.
On the other hand, I do have filtering and AA in windowed mode in FSX - so it probably doesn't have anything to do with the UAC in Windows 7 (I have both FS9 and FSX installed in the default locations and the UAC turned off - and I have never received a nag message or had a lick of trouble with either Windows or FS)
Thanks, guys. I just can't seem to get my FS9 to go into windowed mode. But I found a work around. I changed the FS9 resolution by one setting to get a slightly narrower (left to right) picture. All the shapes are now perfect. Strange that I can get window mode for everything else but FS9. On the other hand, I can fly my planes again! (I was getting jittery from lack of stick time after my old computer died.)

I have seen lots of folks who swear by FS9 or FSX but if you have both, what do you prefer?
Thanks, guys. I just can't seem to get my FS9 to go into windowed mode. But I found a work around. I changed the FS9 resolution by one setting to get a slightly narrower (left to right) picture. All the shapes are now perfect. Strange that I can get window mode for everything else but FS9. On the other hand, I can fly my planes again! (I was getting jittery from lack of stick time after my old computer died.)

I have seen lots of folks who swear by FS9 or FSX but if you have both, what do you prefer?

Different strokes really.
I use FSX exclusively to fly in Australia and New Zealand, thanks to ORBX. :applause:
My FS9 installations [all 7 of them!] are tailored to specific segments, as in FSGA [General Aviation], FSSW [ Propliners and Early Jetliners] and so on.
FSX runs on its 'own' SSD while the FS9 installations are on their 'own' dedicated HDD, a 10,000 rpm WD Raptor.
I honestly don't have a set preference for either, both have specific tasks in my area of interest.
separate HD

I have most all my flight sims backed up to a 2TB extenal HD. when the time come to get a new puter can I just run them off of that?I won't have a backup but ,I do have all my planes,and scenery and effects(about 400 planes) backed up to cd's.
I have most all my flight sims backed up to a 2TB extenal HD. when the time come to get a new puter can I just run them off of that?I won't have a backup but ,I do have all my planes,and scenery and effects(about 400 planes) backed up to cd's.
You can, but I wouldn't. You'd be surprised what a difference the typically-slower RPMs of an external HD makes. I did that for a couple weeks, but I couldn't stand the halved frame-rates (my external HD was that much slower).
Thanks for the reply

I have run FS9 from my external drive( I'am still running XP) and other than longer loading times on startup I haven't seen any differance.If I went to ,say Windows7 64 bit ,on a new computer, is that what would make a difference , and slow things down?
I'am used to long start up times and loading times with so many planes on the c drive anyway but what your saying is the frame rates would still drop.
I know even these longer times drop after I've run fs9 once then restart on either drive.My external drive is a Seagate Goflex but I don't know what speed it is.

Have to endorse all of the above good advice. I keep it simpler:

Always have a dedicated drive for Windows.

Always have a dedicated drive for FS9.

Always have a dedicated drive for working stuff.

Unless you do a regular back - up of the OS and FS9 drv to an external drive you are vulnerable.

External and Internal Drives are cheap and now have large capacity eg 1.5 or even 2 tera-bytes. Easily capable of swallowing up an OS and FS9 back-up. My current FS9 is around 257 Gb. With a good de-fragging now and again and with the performance of recent hardware, it just keeps humming along and is silky smooth. The only part deteriorating steadily is the pilot!
Found Window Mode

Thanks, guys. I just can't seem to get my FS9 to go into windowed mode. But I found a work around. I changed the FS9 resolution by one setting to get a slightly narrower (left to right) picture. All the shapes are now perfect. Strange that I can get window mode for everything else but FS9. On the other hand, I can fly my planes again! (I was getting jittery from lack of stick time after my old computer died.)

I have seen lots of folks who swear by FS9 or FSX but if you have both, what do you prefer?

Finally found window mode. ALT-Enter! Okay, I have been away from this to a while. That let me max out the resolution again. I finally see FS9 the way so many of you have shown in screen shots. Wow!