Odd Behaviour from Aircraft Factory 99


Hello All,

After the discussion about a float plane for CFS (No Dice), I decided to look at the A6M2 Zero I built a while back in preparation for the SCASM treatment and perhaps to see how hard it would be to put some floats on the thing.

I found that I had goofed up a bit in aligning the glass and canopy frame pieces. This latest is derived from what I believe to be my third aircraft for CFS, and my standards really were not very good back then. After doing a few basic changes, I executed the production step of AF99.

The results were quite spectacularly screwed up. All of a sudden, the cockpit viewpoint was about a foot above and behind the pilot's head. I am used to AF99 messing with the description but have not seen it ever change the Cockpit POV. Another surprising thing was that now the aircraft was hovering about 6 inches off the runway.

I have confirmed that the center of rotation was not reset. I am still wondering what might have changed the cockpit POV and the landing gear contact points. The cockpit POV looks pretty close to what the AF99 Blueprint shows. I have pretty much the same settings for the other three Zero projects I have done with AF99 and THOSE look OK in the simulator.

Has anyone else ever seen this before? I know I have not.

- Ivan.
Simple explanation: Building into the wrong directory. AF99 also renamed the aircraft that used to live in that directory, so it was not obvious from the selection list.

- Ivan.
The other thing I was observing at the same time was in the Paint / Special Effects (Final Assembly) shop, I found at one point that I had about a dozen items in the Spares group when I knew that I had NOTHING in the Spares group. At that point, I did an immediate exit from AF99 without saving. It looked normal again when I restarted AF99.

- Ivan.