OFF BHH P3 Beta review

A great read indeed/ well done o.f.f. Team!!!!

Has there been any more airfields added in italy???

Was there any ''on line '' testing done?

Was the mission builder fixed to repair the altitude reset problem?

Do not read criticism or discontent into this post as this is where my and my squadron's interest's lie and i am naturally curious as to whether or not they were looked at.

A fine and professional review Nio :applause:. Well, the catch is outta the bag as I also have to admit I am the owner of a precious P3beta disk ....

[sings with drunken happiness and much gusto ....]
swi-ing low sweet charrrrrrrrri-iot .... cummin for to carry me HO-O-O-ME :friday:[deep breath] SWI-ING LOWWW SWEEEEET CHARRRRRRRRI-IOT .... CUMMIN FOR TO CARRY ME HOME !:friday: erm ... hic's the rest of it go again ... hic. Never mind !

:friday:When you walk .... through the storm .... hold your head up high .... but do-on't ... be afraid .... of the darrrrrrrrr-rk ! [hic]

[belch] WA-LK ON .... through the wind ..... WA-ALK ON ... THROUGH THE RAI-AIN .... though your dreams be tossed and blown :kilroy:


AND YOU'LL NE-E-VER WAAALK A-LONE :ernae: YOU'LL NE-E-EVER WALK ALO-ONE :friday:....... [hic hic]




Enough ! I shall submit a review presently. Once I sober up.
Has there been any more airfields added in italy???
Was there any ''on line '' testing done?
Was the mission builder fixed to repair the altitude reset problem?

Hi PD,
Sorry, we just ran out of gas before we could add in Italy - perhaps a future addition. My connection to the outside world from my lovely mountain home is copper wire and tin cans, so I couldn't participate in the online testing - praps others will be able to comment.
Thanks for the reply

Well i do await the day the mission builder is tweeked as every waypoint and every altitude has to be set by hand.

We will run her through the wringer as soon as we get a copy and are looking forward to the new ai and all those beautiful hun targets the skinner's have been churning out.

Hi PD,
Sorry, we just ran out of gas before we could add in Italy - perhaps a future addition. My connection to the outside world from my lovely mountain home is copper wire and tin cans, so I couldn't participate in the online testing - praps others will be able to comment.

Well, you could always use the micro$oft software release model - send out at least one patch and one add on before the main product reaches the shelves!:costumes:
I have my serious hat on today. P3beta Review.

Prepare yourselves for bedazzlement. You ain't seen nothin' yet. P3 is pure class.

Let’s start at the beginning. IMO in order to attain full immersion and a good degree of virtual reality, three major elements are the bedrock of a quality flight simulator (combat or otherwise) upon which everything else is then built. Before you even get into the wam, bam, thankyou ma’am business end you must have the most basic of foundations done right. That is to say …. Clouds, Weather and Landscape.

So that is what I’ll focus on in this modest report. Aircraft, FM, AI, DM, Combat, UI, Dynamic Campaign, Moving Front Lines, Archival Footage, Musical Score, Historical Accuracy, Ground Battles, Sneaky Huns etc must wait for another day.

Clouds: The towering cloud formations interspersed with eerie fog/mist amongst lesser formations is a standout. Glimpses of Flanders below slide by as holes emerge in the clouds while above a thunderhead ominously states its intention. The sun peeks cheekily and briefly between two cumulus nimbus as shadows waltz across the cockpit ending with a hoe-down on the wings revealing the solid ribbed structure. Pure joy. Suddenly, reality returns as you find yourself unintentionally entering the dark bowels of a misty monster. Am I flying level ? I desperately look around for a reference point but am almost instantly relieved to exit the vapourised vapidness without incident. Cloud turbulence is somewhat reduced but can still shake you up a bit.

Yes clouds are important for atmosphere. The sheer beauty of them stuns me everytime. Why would you turn this off or always have clear sunny skies !

Weather: Runs the gamut from sunny to severe through all four seasons. The graphic representation of rain/snow has been improved. Wind gusts can affect stability. Marvel as you fly through a rainstorm and out the other side. Watch the weather change as you fly those long lonely missions. Be blown away when you unknowingly land cross-wind and wonder why you’re crabbing along at a strange angle just before you groundloop. Watch that windsock !

Indeed another fine element that adds to the overall experience.

Landscape: As you fly over the recreated Flanders landscape it is not a stretch by any means to imagine you’re actually there. The improved terrain/scenery is jaw-droppingly good. Freshly ploughed fields summon up the smell of the soil. Forest clearings are bathed in sunlight in patches to recreate the feeling of a moving vista of cloud shadows. The textures are precise and tight. Towns/villages have been done over and tidied up. Trees look like trees. The overall effect is of a new crispness .... and a new reality. Of rolling hills and poppies and blood-drenched soil. Of sadness and joy, laughter and tears ! Of War.

I could go on but I think you get the picture and I've probably bored you enough.

The OFF team is to be congratulated for doing these most important elements very well. P3 is truly a sum of its parts that make the whole a whole lot better ! Salute.
Thanks Everyone

Nice descriptions, Catch. :applause: I'd like to add a bit to what you said.
Most of what you are waxing on about is the efforts of Winding Man who has almost single handily done all the landscape and cloud work, weather and special effects, as well as keeping us all on course. Pretty amazing stuff!
But there's also the efforts of a whole team of past RedBaron fanatics from years ago and inspired newer specialists who have contributed their talents in WWI history, computer programming, music composition, and art work of all types. It's an amazing team effort and what impresses me the most is the cooperation between us all in getting though these many years... far different then the many squables and loaner efforts from back in the Red Baron days.

And there is also the efforts of all the people on this forum who have urged us on and contributed ideas.. I've never seen such a united, cooperative effort to bring a sim to reality. And I've never seen a WWI (or any other sim) with this amount of authentic detail, historical accuracy, and beauty all pulled together.. this is going to really be something.

All the best to everyone, this is going to be a wonderful Christmas and new year!
I endorse 100% that which Catch has described.

Like him I am still finding my way into this sim.There is a lot to take on board.

I must tell you that every time I fly it I find some thing new or improved.It is a journey of which I shall never tire.This sim has great depth in every respect.

I am awestruck by this creation.

It is an absolute must if you have any interest at all in this period of wartime aviation.



I could go on but I think you get the picture and I've probably bored you enough.]

Bored? Not a bit of it, you keep on waxing lyrical, its the only thing keeping me sane until I get to experience it for myself! I'm just grateful that you can tear yourself away from P3 for long enough to share your thoughts. Keep it up.:applause:

Yes, please continue these beta reviews, as they're the only thing we have to go on while we wait...and wait....and wait....without word...
Well this isn't a review I'm sorry to say. Just a short hastily put together snippet of P3Beta that illustrates flamers going straight down as well as an AI wingmate helping out and bagging himself one !

A Pfalz positive? :friday: to the tune of a well known Xmas cartoon
:santahat: You're a wry one, Mr. Grinch er Catch :santahat:

I am not jealous at all. If I keep telling myself this I'll be fine.

Love the footage, more is always welcome.

Nice video... it's great and shows some really sweet effects from the game!! :)

Can you create a new thread and post this in it? We'd like newcomers to see some videos of users playing OFF, rather than what we make. It sets the tone better so people get a glimpse of what to expect. It's one thing when the Dev's make the video, it's another when a satisfied user makes it. ;)

Please post this video ANYWHERE else you want. It's very good, and the perfect length. SimHQ, Wings of Honor, SWWISA... anywhere.

Thanks man!!

It's just not fair, it's jsut nott fiar


I wnat P3 too:banghead:

name witheld by request

Nice video... it's great and shows some really sweet effects from the game!! :)

Can you create a new thread and post this in it? We'd like newcomers to see some videos of users playing OFF, rather than what we make. It sets the tone better so people get a glimpse of what to expect. It's one thing when the Dev's make the video, it's another when a satisfied user makes it. ;)

Please post this video ANYWHERE else you want. It's very good, and the perfect length. SimHQ, Wings of Honor, SWWISA... anywhere.

Thanks man!!


Thanks for the compliments Otto :). I have no objection to anyone else posting the clip anythere they like if they feel it would help getting P3 extra publicity. As far as I'm concerned it's all for the greater good and is free property.

This clip was just a very quick test run/happy accident whilst testing out a fix for fraps issues I've been having and in my opinion is quite flawed .... I mean look at the end credits for example. Really stuffed that up ! (artistes are insufferable aren't they ... never happy :costumes:).

I should also have mentioned that the EA were "softened" up a bit prior to filming .... what's that they say .... given a "hot shower" to slow them down a bit ;). Then just zero in on the poor helpless wounded or novice bastards ala the tactics of that Hun chap ... Manny von something ?

I may start a thread for P3 user videos but not with this clip.

Anyway, for those who may want to distribute this video to other forums, please be my guest.

Here's the link ....