OFF Forum


60 Squadron USA
Lets go over there and burn them at the stake. how could on line multiplay missions ever be considered as fun . what a bunch of crap this multiplay scenerio is. yea, i wonder if they even support it. well probably just so they can cheat and figure out a way to get the upper hand in a multiplay scenerio where they cheat againt the ai.
yea thats it. you guys have hit the nail on the head this time. wow you can be so proud of your trash talking crap.
good job boys. you have lowered the standard around here to a new all time low.
you ,the O.F..F. forume, and this sim have seen the last of me. do me a favour and NEVER apply at my forume as this disease should stay contained over here where it belongs.
WHAT A SHAMEFULL PATHETIC excuse for what i once considered a great forume.
the sad part is you will carry on oblivious to the destructive nonsence that is portrayed here in this thread from the top down.
:wave: PD

I most definitly agree PD. I joined this forum in 2005, I have met many good people and have one on one enjoyable encounters with most in one way or another. But recently this forum has begun to deteriate to the same level of the "IL-2 UbiZoo" just because of a few loud mouth posters that have to get heard about other WW1 sims. It was this forum that got me to download OFF P1 and P2 and to purchase 2 copies of P3. And now I have to listen to a few A--ho--s who haven"t donated to this site. Ya right. Have fun people. I'm gone

S! Rip
Hi Rip,
This too shall pass. We've had the odd rough spell before, but sanity and harmony will return.
if you let a few morons run you off
then they have won
if you hang around and wait
you will win
seems stupid i know its like playing a kids game
but sometimes things just get childish
one upmanship always works
Common, just because some posts were upsetting to you? Why not enjoy BHH, how ever you play it, MP or SP?
PD got upset and we don't need more following his example. Just because a few posters incited a defensive backlash against some ROF apparent trollers doesn't mean you guys have to take it so personally.
I must say that I am equally surprised at the reactions to leave this terrific forum, just because of a few childish posters.

For me, I just choose the threads that are of interest and pass the rest. It's a public sim forum after all.

Just my 2 cents and I hope that PD and Rip stay and contribute as they have in the past.

I agree too PD. I wonder if they'll lock this thread too! Absolutely ridiculous I say.
Hi Rip,
This too shall pass. We've had the odd rough spell before, but sanity and harmony will return.

What caused the spell? My link to a few videos? If so, why didn't the thread WF2 posted with links to similar videos get the same treatment? I just don't get it fellas.
It's one or two threads out of 100's and it's just some people in this forum and in other forums... let's have some perspective, and calm down.
There's nothing wrong with your posts threeonetwo, don't get a complex, just others post about this sim in another forum and get shot down (pardon the pun) and so it goes around..
>> I just don't get it fellas.<<

Your opening posts may have seemed inappropriate to some here..why don't you let it go and just forget all about it.
>> I just don't get it fellas.<<

Your opening posts may have seemed inappropriate to some here..why don't you let it go and just forget all about it.

I really need an explanation. What exactly is "inappropriate" about what opening post? Which post? Please link it so I can read it and see if I can figure out why you think it was inappropriate. I mean, Monica under Bill's desk was inappropriate....I don't think anything I posted was inappropriate.
See, this is why I'm against locking threads. As long as the thread is open, the loudmouths will stay in there gouging each other's eyes out and leave the rest of us alone. Such threads are like hydrae. Lock 1 and 2 more sprout in its place, and pretty soon those of us who couldn't care less about the original thread start getting cramped by all the bleed-over. We see that happening now.

The internet was so much better back 15-18 years ago. No rules, no kids to worry about, and boys will be boys. You knew that going in and things tended to work themselves out. Just like in the Wild West, you didn't start a fight unless you knew you could finish it, so there were fewer fights. When there were fights, they were more violent but were allowed to run to their natural conclusion, so those involved didn't feel like they had unfinished business and the need to start another immediately. Everybody not involved looked on it as entertainment and copied particulary eloquent insulting posts. But in general, everybody was more polite than they are now, because nobody wanted to start a fight by accident.

But these are the times we live in. Oh well. The lesson to learn these days is not to read every stinkin' thread.
See, this is why I'm against locking threads. As long as the thread is open, the loudmouths will stay in there gouging each other's eyes out and leave the rest of us alone. Such threads are like hydrae. Lock 1 and 2 more sprout in its place, and pretty soon those of us who couldn't care less about the original thread start getting cramped by all the bleed-over. We see that happening now.

The internet was so much better back 15-18 years ago. No rules, no kids to worry about, and boys will be boys. You knew that going in and things tended to work themselves out. Just like in the Wild West, you didn't start a fight unless you knew you could finish it, so there were fewer fights. When there were fights, they were more violent but were allowed to run to their natural conclusion, so those involved didn't feel like they had unfinished business and the need to start another immediately. Everybody not involved looked on it as entertainment and copied particulary eloquent insulting posts. But in general, everybody was more polite than they are now, because nobody wanted to start a fight by accident.

But these are the times we live in. Oh well. The lesson to learn these days is not to read every stinkin' thread.

You're wrong, BH, back in those days the modems were so slow, by the time some one got through downloading an argument, they had calmed down enough they could think straight and usually didn't flame back as hot as is the custom today with DSL and cable. :faint:
I implore everyone to step back and take a long look at what is going on. I'm not even talking about the debate over OFF and RoF. People's attitudes on this forum have really changed. Just yesterday I saw a post where a member made fun of another member's spelling and grammar. How sad is that? Have we stooped so low? I personally like this sim (won't say love since that's reserved for tangible things) and have done what I can to disseminate knowledge of its existence everywhere I can. Has it come to the point where we have to shame the offenders in order to get some normalcy back? How about we stop spewing our opinions around as if everyone is waiting for them with bated breath and maybe get back to helping others enjoy this sim if not everything related to WWI. I'm not leaving this forum on account of a few ignorami who think their evaluation of anything is gospel, but I sure will be monitoring further to see if it's worth the time. I am also not under any auspices that it matters any whether I stay or not, but I'm sure the developers of this fine sim can't possibly be happy with people leaving. I don't see them being happy about having their hours of selfless work being tarnished by blowhards that think they speak for anyone but themselves. Grow up, and if you absolutely need to say something, at least be sure that it's helpful.


Nobody is editing the posts. That is a hangover/bug from the Forum crash a few months ago. Those "edit" notes pop up randomly every now and then for no apparent reason.