OFF Forum

Gentlemen, I would NEVER allow a few

to ruin for me what has been a great experience. This forum has been supurlative for helping me sort out all aspects of flight simming and meeting other enthusiasts.

Like a marriage, if you've been in one, it can be great, but it can have a few bad moments. You really have to work at it.

So, if a few thing ruffle your feathers, oh well. It's all just typing isn't it?

There are some ( hopefully not many) that disagree with my opinion, oh well, that's life.


Ok, thanks. I thought there was some conspiracy against me and people were hacking my posts. LOL.
if you look through the Forum, you'll find these "edited" lines underneath many post. It looks like the frames for the posts are like an EXEL chart; and since the crash, they are now filled with new posts. But the old "edited" lines seem to have remained.
I implore everyone to step back and take a long look at what is going on. I'm not even talking about the debate over OFF and RoF. People's attitudes on this forum have really changed. Just yesterday I saw a post where a member made fun of another member's spelling and grammar. How sad is that? Have we stooped so low?
oh thank god it wasnt me being called out lrod knows my dylexia is world famous in this forum:faint:
Henry, Rabu and Shred, you're all correct in saying that I shouldn't let a few creeps cause me to leave but I am at the point where I can't stand to even look at the "call signs" of a few loud mouth agitators on this forum so for now I'm taking a break and maybe the bad apples will be gone in a while. I have met too many good people on this forum.

S! for now, Rip
As usual, it's not so much what you say, but how you say it

I actually learned quite a bit from that ugly post
Ne sense going into details cause that would just be ringing the bell for round 2

ROF like any sim has it's pluses and minuses
Now I have a better idea of both

I have no problem with fans of other sims posting here
There's room on my HD for more than 1

I don't think these passionate "Know it Alls" sway very many opinions
In fact, when someone is over bearing and obstinate, I value their opinions even less

Can't we all just state our opinions and respect others right to their thoughts too? :icon_lol:
Henry, Rabu and Shred, you're all correct in saying that I shouldn't let a few creeps cause me to leave but I am at the point where I can't stand to even look at the "call signs" of a few loud mouth agitators on this forum so for now I'm taking a break and maybe the bad apples will be gone in a while. I have met too many good people on this forum.

S! for now, Rip

C'mon Rip hang around - problem is that the 'bad apples' have always been swooping on this forum - so yeah nothing new.

RIPCORD, you'll find bad apples in every tree, and black sheep in every family.
Have a break, and come back (if you're as addicted as I am, it won't take long anyway - Lol!)
I agree with Duce Lewis. There will be people who think their opinions are always right where ever you go. Will their opinions change my life - no! So do not let the few spoil your enjoyment of one of the best forums around.
And so it goes,Deja-Vu..........been here before,i cant believe people get so upset on this forum over a few dumbass comments.
Is it the general age group of the OFF people here that makes them over sensitive to ill considered posts?
Ive seen some really quite cutting posts in other forums (CombatAce to be prescise) that dont generate even a sliver of whingeing that this forum does.

Come on guys sort yourselves out and GET OVER IT, you are worth it.
Henry, Rabu and Shred, you're all correct in saying that I shouldn't let a few creeps cause me to leave but I am at the point where I can't stand to even look at the "call signs" of a few loud mouth agitators on this forum so for now I'm taking a break and maybe the bad apples will be gone in a while. I have met too many good people on this forum.

S! for now, Rip

The ironic thing is that you use the exact same language/attitude/behaviour you profess to despise to attack the targets of your displeasure.

So people make posts along the lines of "the sim I like is great, yours is crap", and use intemperate language etc, and you announce you're leaving because of it...and use equally, if not worse, intemperate language etc while doing it.

Please explain to me then why I shouldn't find your language and behaviour equally distasteful and announce my departure too?

The thing is, everyone has an opinion on stuff that's important to them, and everyone can forget themselves temporarily and use language that might be considered by others to be innappropriate. But rarely by themselves.

"My line in the sand is valid, yours is not".

I hope you don't consider this post to be further grounds for your departure. It is simply an opinion and an observation, and I hope I've put it in reasonable and polite terms that cause you no further offence.
The ironic thing is that you use the exact same language/attitude/behaviour you profess to despise to attack the targets of your displeasure.

So people make posts along the lines of "the sim I like is great, yours is crap", and use intemperate language etc, and you announce you're leaving because of it...and use equally, if not worse, intemperate language etc while doing it.

Please explain to me then why I shouldn't find your language and behaviour equally distasteful and announce my departure too?

The thing is, everyone has an opinion on stuff that's important to them, and everyone can forget themselves temporarily and use language that might be considered by others to be innappropriate. But rarely by themselves.

"My line in the sand is valid, yours is not".

I hope you don't consider this post to be further grounds for your departure. It is simply an opinion and an observation, and I hope I've put it in reasonable and polite terms that cause you no further offence.

Siggi, I'd take a good hard look and really think about what you wrote.
