OFF II Installation stops after 83%


Charter Member
I tried to install the Phase II several times but after 83% of installation i get the message you see on the pic...


I`ve been on the polovski site already but non of the tipps helped me yet. Maybe someone here has a solution.

Thank you in advance

Just a newbie's guess but you did run at least one Campaign mission in CFS3 before installing, yes?? I'm told it creates folders that OFF needs for the install.
Thanks you for the reply GaryR but i run a mission not a campaign mission. Do you really think this could make the difference?
All you have to do is start CFS3, hop in the first available aircraft (usually the P47), fly it for a few seconds, exit the game, and start installing OFF. It doesn't look to me like that is the problem here. Have you got your regional settings set to English (UK, USA, South Africa). I'm not sure exactly how to do that as I've never had to, but Catfish, Olham, or Axenti might be able to help you, since they are from your neck of the woods.

I reinstalled CFS3, dleted all relativ files and patched to 3.1 not to 3.1a as before. Than i started a campain as GaryR recommended. Voila! it works.

Thank you guys for your replies, now i´m up in the sky lookin for a fight... :rapture:
So is 3.1a an issue? Hope not, that's what I have CFS3 updated to..
All 3.1a is, is a fix for the airspeed indicator on the B25 in CFS3. It has no bearing on OFF whatsoever.

Cool, so having it updated to 3.1a shouldn't cause me any grief when I install P2 or P3 (whichever arrives 1st!).. thanks.
I've got mine upgraded to 3.1a because some of the other add ons (MAW in particular) require it. So, no it doesn't hurt a thing either way.
